Anyone else? I just started b12 injections every other day, folate, magnesium, b compiles, b6. I don't know how else to articulate how it feels. After a month, the burning in my legs has stopped.
When I walk, I feel like someone must... - Pernicious Anaemi...
When I walk, I feel like someone must feel who has palsy; my legs and torso and sometimes arms feel twisted.

That "says it all" Blinkysmom
It's so wonderful that you are walking, the proof that B12 is doing it's job! So glad your burning leg pain stopped too, I don't miss mine at all.
Thanks, Cobalamin4life. It sure doesn't feel like healing.
Glad for you that burning pain in legs gone.
I walk like a toddler most mornings when I first get up, wobble through doors and bounce off furniture its like my legs dont want to go in a straight line, my arms also feel heavy and as if they dont belong to me, better for a while after my injection but gets worse again before next one is due. Hope you start to improve soon .Best wishes.
Yes, Pitney, another good description of the walking. I also sometimes walk like I'm drunk.
Have you had vitamin D checked ?
Yes. I take 10,000 IU daily as prescribed by my health provider.