Has anyone else seen this article? It's very interesting. cambridgeindependent.co.uk/...
B12 Deficiency and Covid: Has anyone... - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 Deficiency and Covid

Poor girl also looks very Hypo which was not mentioned. Exercise also lowers T3 - the Active Thyroid hormone.
A Greek Doc once explained he always knew when patients had a thyroid problem when there are two defined necklace type lines on the neck in the thyroid area. Gone are the days when Docs carefully observed/examined their patients.
Thank you for posting ....
That's interesting. Have you found any research articles that mention neck lines associated with thyroid issues.
I've always suspected I had thyroid issues but blood test results were inconclusive.
I do have two obvious lines around my neck ( could just be my age though).
No not backed by science but by a wise Doctor who knew from experience. Before blood tests became routine Doctors had to use their eyes and ears. The art of diagnosis - not always a science !
I was diagnosed in 2005 and my neck observations are rarely wrong. Necklace wrinkles on the neck rarely match the amount of facial wrinkles nor is it age related. Tune into Question Time and check out the panel and audience ! There are often other signs that can be observed.
If you have your thyroid test results I am more than happy to take a look. If you prefer then send them in a PM. Always good to rule out a possible thyroid problem as it seems difficult for GP's to do so. Am sure that sounds familiar 🤔
This makes so much sense to me, I have recently been diagnosed with folate and B12 deficiencies, as well as low iron and vitamin D. PA result negative. No changes to diet or other obvious triggers and no history of problems. In my mind, it is covid or the vaccinations that have been the trigger for me. Thank you for posting!
After vaccination I felt I'm dying. Second dose was really a nightmare. I think all if of our previous sources gets consumed after vaccination.
I am convinced that the covid injections has played apart in my partners decline along with previous low b12.Within days of the injection he said to the doctor I think I'm dying, and mentioned the vaccination. Still not able to walk gone private, the specialist asked when this happened and we said after the flu Injection, he said not the covid ? Well yes he had it at the same time !
He said well I know what it is !
It makes you wonder what the medical profession know,
Add to that over 250,000 medics refused to have the vaccine, thankfully they didnt lose their jobs.
Two relatives both developed blood clots, one only 30 years of age
I am not anti vac by any means , and only stating facts,
It happened .

I didn't post this to promote antivax ideas. I love vaccinations! I'm getting ready to get my second booster and in June I get my second shingles vaccine. Vaccines save lives. I didn't notice any adverse effects after my initial covid vaccine or my booster but I get a B12 shot every 3 weeks. Everyone just needs to keep an eye on the B12 levels. So many things seems to affect this vitamin.
I quite agree, we all have different immune systems so react differently to each other, even b12 injections. The only thing I have difficulty with is doctors dismissing a possibility of a reaction to vaccinations, especially when one was healthy for years prior to it, yet suffered life changing symptoms after. If we can be certain this was not a cause of his decline then fine, until such time we are very reluctant in having more injections.
(except B12 of course )
Very interesting , thanks, and Thank goodness she received the treatment !! x
Has anyone noticed the queen has been suffering of late.Of what we have heard she spent one night in hospital back last year for tests, was also informed that she had stopped drinking alcohol. Now her balance and walking is affected and yesterday it was stated she had long covid.
Just a coincidence..... I do hope she recovers enough to enjoy her special year.

That's a good point ! I wonder if any of her doctors are thinking what we're all thinking ??Yes, a wonderful lady who so deserves to enjoy her jubilee !
This is very interesting. I have a relative who has been told her health issues (following a virus) are ME or something similar. I wonder if she would benefit from having her B12 levels tested?
It can't hurt. Because of my encouragement/nagging, I have 4 friends and relatives who are now on monthly B12 shots. Initially they thought I was very annoying but now they thank me because they feel so much better.
There are quite a few on this forum have been diagnosed with ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia in the past, including myself.
Misdiagnosis of B12 deficiency as ME/CFS and other conditions
If your friend is in UK, she may be interested to know that NICE recently published new guidelines on ME/CFS.
New NICE guidelines ME/CFS
ME Association (UK charity)
They have lots of articles that mention Covid and Long Covid.
Once I had been labelled with ME/CFS years ago, all efforts to find out other possible causes stopped. Diagnosis given, box ticked, job done as far as doctors were concerned.
ME/CFS is a diagnosis of exclusion which means it should not be diagnosed until all other possible diagnoses have been excluded.
Maybe you can nudge your friend into looking on this forum or pass on one of these books/websites
B12 Deficiency Info
Pernicious Anaemia Society website
"Could it Be B12?" by Sally Pacholok and JJ Stuart (US authors)
"What you need to know about Pernicious Anaemia and Vitamin B12 deficiency" by Martyn Hooper
Has your friend been assessed for Long Covid?
There are about 60 Long Covid clinics in UK.
NHS England document on Long Covid (37 pages)
I must admit to being like you, and telling people to get their B12 levels checked out. It’s surprising how many don’t want to listen though. I get quite exasperated with some, especially understanding how dangerous the damage to nerves can be.
I'm like you both as well.
I know of several I nagged who turned out to have low B12 levels but some of my closest family members ignore what I say, which I struggle with when they know what I went through.
Add me to the list, informed all my family all but one took notice. Six now have B12 deficiency. Two brothers were so embarrassed they told my partner to tell me !! As though I would bite there heads off.I was just so relieved that at last they could now see why I was so concerned.
B12 Society ( a charity based in Scotland) has a list of articles about B12 and Covid.
B12 deficiency Info website has several articles/blog posts that mention Covid and B12 deficiency.
I was experienced in B12 deficiency feritin deficiency can exacerbate symptoms million times more than normal.symptoms. My feritin level was in the bottom of range and fluctuating like crazy. I found normal range for me should be over 45 and lower than 75 as higher levels are linked to cancer. May be low feritin causes folate symptoms also get exacerbated but I'm not sure. But B12 deficiency with neurological symptoms required injection for a long period of time. I'm wondering in my case why my symptoms developed drastically in a matter of three months.