Had blood test last week so went in today to find out if my results were back etc and the receptionist said they was back and marked as "no further action required" I told her I wanted to know my actual results and wanted a copy of it as I had last time but was told that they can't give me a copy or tell me the results as the doctor has to do it and they can get the doctor to ring me back but that wouldn't be till Thursday , I was like "ahhhh" in my head, I told her I still don't feel any better so how can "no further action" be appropriate she then said either wait for a call or ring up tomorrow 8am for appointment with the doctor & discuss the results so gotta get up rather early just to ring the stupid surgery and problem won't even get appointment till gone after 11am so frustrated
Gp is useless : Had blood test last... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Gp is useless

I hate that term 'No further action'! It usually means 'it's abnormal but we aren't going to do anything about it!'. My surgery do it all the time and if I ask for the numbers, like you, I then get the 'well you can't speak to the Dr for x amount of days' snotty reply.
Good luck, you have my sympathies.

Click on the link below
I have access to my surgery on the SystmOnline app but my surgery doesn't have the tests or medical record part set up they only let their patients view their summary care which only shows you which medication you last had and your allergys are, repeat prescription order, and appointment booking to some available appointments, oh and a messaging system which you can send and receive messages from the surgery, bit disappointed that I can't view tests online would of saved time
If you ask at surgery you have to fill in an additional form for tests they have to then activate it ,it shows part of your medical notes ,I wrote in capitals across the top blood tests so they couldn't make a mistake,I then went back with my driving licence to prove who I was and they activated it I can see all blood test and current and past problems.
Good luck x
Make sure to remember to ask for print out of the results for your own records. Just being told everything is normal over the phone isn't enough detail. You are entitled to have a print out of your test results with the reference ranges. They might charge you a fee for making the copies and mailing them to you though.
I just had something similar happen in April. I had my iron tested because I suspected a problem. The doctor told me everything came back "normal". It was about a month later before I managed to get a copy of the actual results and found out that my iron saturation percent was 12%. Normally the reference range for that test is 15-50% anything below 15% would be marked low, but this lab's reference range for the test was a rather incredible 10-45%. So, of course, it was considered 'normal' and my doctor didn't think anything of it. This is why it is important to see your results for yourself. I still have no idea why the lab changed the reference range, but I know both from prior testing and from how I felt that their range was off the mark and my 'normal' result was really not a good one.
Last time I told the receptionist that the nurse told me to get a print out of my results as she didn't know how to do it and the receptionist just printed it out and then I went in days later and asked for the 2 results before that and they had to put it in as a request to the doctor to get permission to access it as they was old results and when I went back the doctor had printed a copy of the last 3 results , so dunno why the receptionist couldn't just put it in as a request again this time, plus the latest results is always available for the receptionist to print out it only takes 10mins for them to go down the corridor & ask the stupid gp anyways, never costs to get print outs either, told them I wanted a copy as "no further action" is not good enough and the doctor never tells me my number and I want to know if it's still low or even if it's classed as normal it could still be 180 like as I still feel the same as I did when I first saw the doctor etc nothing's changed, and said the doctors are so stupid there 😒
I don't know if your surgery has the same online facility but I've been able to order prescriptions and make appointments online for at least a couple of years via emis patient access. Last year i filled in a separate request form so I could also access my medical records and blood test results. It's ideal as I no longer have to ask for the results.
Just seen your post about online access to results. It's a shame they don't have it yet, I thought they all had to do this last year.
Would of been easier if they would offer it to their patients, my surgery use the SystmOnline website/app and they seem to be one of the surgerys that don't offer all the services that the app is capable of, it then that's expecting too much of my no star surgery that's the worse in town even then pharmacies in town know my surgery as " oh that surgery that doesn't bother to answer their phones and messes up prescriptions etc"
Hi Singoutloud I too can make appointments with my doctor (but not my nurse who give me my three weekly B12 injections), request repeat prescriptions and view my inoculations but that's all. Where did you get the "separate request form" from please?
I've had P.A. for over 45 years, am Type 2 Diabetic with prostate problems and pleural plaques so I have a lot of blood tests in the course of a year and I tire of asking for copies
It's the wilting looks from the receptionist when you ask for a copy of the results that got to me in the end. I'm pretty sure I read on the Thyroid UK forum that all surgeries were supposed to be online last April/May so I asked the receptionist about adding medical records to my prescriptio/appointment access. (I can't make them for nurses either) I had to fill in another form to be authorised by the doctor and was given a password to re-register my account on Emis. I don't think all surgeries do it or advertise it to be honest but it's definitely worth asking.
Thanks - I'm actually one of the committee of "Friends of O******D Surgery" which raises money for them to buy equipment and "comforts for the patients" etc and have been with the practice since 1966 but I'm still "reluctant" to ask, but I'll have a word with the receptionist when I have my next injection.
I just asked the reseptionist at the surgery she had a form in the office,I do have quite a large surgery,I had originally read online that it had been rolled out across the country so I am surprised at how many people can't access this,it did take over 2 weeks so I don't know if the form was sent away,they did activate it at the surgery after I took my driving licence in for I D x
That's funny or not because when I phoned my surgery for my results the receptionist read them out over the phone which I thought inappropriate, you really need to see your GP in my opinion to discuss and explain to you what it actually means. I understand your position fully. I now have online access to any test results I have done but then you have to google it to find out what everything means. It's like self diagnosing. I really don't know what GPS do these days you've got to wait weeks to see your GP and sometimes it's well over a week before you can get a call back to speak to your GP. When my children were little they did home visits before a surgery in the morning then out on more home and hospital visits delivering babies in between then back to afternoon surgery out on more home visits evening surgery etc.
Just seen my gp and got a copy of my results my b12 is 689 but my iron has gone to 10 which is below the 20 normal range so been given iron tablets so had to go to two different pharmacies for one that has the tablets, but doctor said I should buy vitamin b over the counter to keep my levels up & that they won't provide them on prescription, which they used to years ago, I can't afford to buy vit b as well as food & paying bills etc I need a job , gonna wait till end of July august time & demand another blood test and see how it is then , the doctor did wonder why I wasn't getting another b12 injection in 3 months time I told her about the loading injections 3 months ago and that the nurse got me to have the blood test this month to check before doing anything else that's when the doctor decided to tell me just take vit b tablets over the counter