approx. 25 years ago my dentist advised me to get tested for P.A. I had been feeling very tired and run down.The B12 count was 3picograms he said. proven beyond doubt he said after intrinsic factor test . A high b12 diet made no difference . so after loading does I had injections every three months up until 2 years ago when the nurse said you have a high b12 count . no further action. I went to doc who said it needed monitoring but he retired and I could get no one else to understand. All I got was No further action.
I went into a deep depression and almost gave up on life. recently I broke down on the phone to my daughter and she arranged me a new doctor.
they agreed it should be monitored. the b12 came back at 397 so they said no further test for a year. after a lot of persuasion and getting distraught I am allowed one in 6 months.
Not feeling happy about this so I went private 8 weeks later as I needed peace of mind. I wanted to be able to prove to the doctor I had P. A. so I binged on b12 rich food and took supplements.
The result was b12 risen to nearly 1800, intrinsic factor was negative. fbc was ok so he said.
I am now totally confused as I am so shattered all the time.
my doctor cant understand why I'm so anxious and agitated. feel depressed and miserable
thanks for any suggestions