Remedies for awful indigestion? - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Remedies for awful indigestion?

Agapanthus1 profile image
16 Replies

I have PA and Hashimoto's and go through bouts of awful indigestion symptoms, regardless of what I eat. Normal remedies don't work, so I am guessing it is low acid. Can anyone give me any advice as to what might help? I have tried orange juice and vit c tablets with no effect. It is starting to really get me down. Many thanks.

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Agapanthus1 profile image
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16 Replies
Poppet11 profile image

Yes, there's a book further down which has been linked to and which gives some great, natural remedies for putting your digestive tract right.

Note: edited by admin

Agapanthus1 profile image
Agapanthus1 in reply to Poppet11

Thank you so much. Could you explain what you mean by further down? I am quite new to this website and a bit hopeless! Or Maybe you could private message me with the title? I promise not to accuse you of anything!! 😊

Poppet11 profile image
Poppet11 in reply to Agapanthus1

It's next door but one to your post. I am genuinely sorry that I am unable to supply you with the information you need here.

Note: Admin Edit

Agapanthus1 profile image
Agapanthus1 in reply to Poppet11

Ooo yes I can see it now. Thank you so very much, poppet. I am sorry if you have felt wrongly attacked when you have only been trying to be helpful. I suppose that is one potential downside to this wonderful resource. Hope you are having a good day 😊X

Poppet11 profile image
Poppet11 in reply to Agapanthus1

I am having a good day, thank you! And I hope yours improves. A quick tip (because I suffered with this indigestion and it really can get dreadful) Half a lemon squeezed into half a cup of warm water and sip or, as a medical professional told me, drink through a straw to save your teeth!!!!

Whoops! Spoke to soon about the good day - mad, drunken gypsy outside - and now climbing gate!

Yes, right. If you belch, it's a good sign. If your indigestion gets worse, it isn't, and stop drinking. But it won't get worse. Sometimes you do get that sick that comes back in your throat though! It's the backlog of food.

Sorry, finding it difficult to concentrate!

Agapanthus1 profile image
Agapanthus1 in reply to Poppet11

I'm not surprised you are distracted! I will leave you in peace to sort it out. Many thanks again 😊X

Gambit62 profile image

You could try speaking to your pharmacist about remedies for low stomach acidity - there are a number that people use and you could probably find reference to them by using the search function.

Some people use cider vinegar, some use lime juice - I use lime juice personally - a little in water.

Agapanthus1 profile image
Agapanthus1 in reply to Gambit62

Thank you so much, I will try everything you suggest. Many thanks 😊

JGBH profile image
JGBH in reply to Gambit62

Hi Gambit,

Regarding the lime juice do you press it from fruit and add it to lukewarm water or buy it, and if so have you found a brand without any added sugar? How often do you drink lime juice in water?

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62Administrator in reply to JGBH

sometimes I'll have freshly squeezed but to be honest normally use a supermarket brand for cooking - probably not the cheapest option and does have some preservatives but its convenient.

Generally use carbonated water - not luke warm - and use it during the night and generally for at least one meal in the day

JGBH profile image
JGBH in reply to Gambit62

Thanks Gambit. Am drinking orange juice while taking iron fumarate tablet. Will look for lime juice at supermarket for speed and convenience as you rightly said. Hopefully the lime and orange juice will help with both absorption of iron and building up of acid in stomach.

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support

I can't see anything about ******* ******** but perhaps it's my eyes as I had my diabetes check up with my ophthalmist today and I'm still a bit bleary.

Agapanthus1 profile image
Agapanthus1 in reply to clivealive

No I can't see it now either! If it's any help the book is ***** *******. 😊

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support in reply to Agapanthus1

thanks Kate

Polaris profile image

I find daily spoonfuls of sauerkraut (better than any other probiotic I'd ever tried) and g/f diet has meant gastritis, acid reflux, H/pylori etc, issues that plagued me for years, virtually disappeared.

I'd also recommend Dr Datis Kharrizian's books, "Why do I still have Thyroid Symptoms, when my Lab Tests are Normal" and, "Why isn't my Brain Working" - a leading neurologist and researcher into the gut/brain connection and its link to autoimmune diseases, he lectures post graduates but his books are very readable to the layman.

Foods high in gluten can damage the microvilli (little hairs) that line our digestive system and make it harder to absorb vital nutrients like vitamin B12, selenium, magnesium, etc. often damaging the vulnerable thyroid gland.

It seems to explain why so many of us on this site have Hashimoto's as well as PA/B12 deficiency.

Agapanthus1 profile image
Agapanthus1 in reply to Polaris

Thank you. Yes I am gluten free and I take kefir and probiotics. I have heard of people taking betaine hydrochloride supplements and am currently trying to find the protocol for this. I will have a look at the books you suggest.

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