Following on from previous post
Kept trying to get earlier B12 jab, she has not been great, told no. Checking on another matter with surgery accidentally found out she had an appointment that afternoon (fri 15th) seen by Doc i had handed Pas, info to. Disappointed, said she had read info, told her about new guidelines , she said she had browsed them too, basically didn't get it at all. Tried to be tactful, agreed it is difficult at times to assess/treat but stated given daughters symptoms the treatment provided was not optimal, given she displayed classic neuro symptoms she should have had eod injections and then more regular injections. She wasn't listening, tried to deflect every fact/researched facts and ended on well guidelines are all very well but at the end of the day how are we supposed to decide, I said listen to pt and what symptoms they report /exhibit, . Don't think I won that one, pointed out that HbA1c is affected by B12 def, and poss/probably lipids too, she appeared to switch off at that point. Did get blood forms for FBC, ferritin, iron studies, so yay me and got injection brought forward a week so yay me. Also pointed out still no one has identified causes of deficiencies and that folic acid is not the same as folate. Meanwhile her life is falling apart, school are not supportive and she has been removed from some GCSE exams and taken out of higher exams and put in foundation tier.