Has anyone tried the B12 nasal spray? I was told it's the only other thing besides the injection that goes right into your bloodstream and bypasses the stomach. I'm thinking about buying it today I need to get B12 in my system some way. I'm really trying.
Anyone tried the B12 nasal spray? - Pernicious Anaemi...
Anyone tried the B12 nasal spray?

idea is that it is absorbed through the membranes in your nose. I use a nasal spray and so do several other members of my family and it works well for us.
I use a mixture of sprays - methyl and hydroxo and different strengths.
Which particular spray are you thinking of using?
They said at the health store the main ingredient starts with a c. I think that is the hydro one. Did you notice it helps right away? I'm leaving to get it right now. You are giving me some hope! My head is so screwed up I don't know what to do I feel like I'm going crazy right now. I'm sorry to say it that way but I don't know how else to explain it and my arms and my neck and everything is numb and tingling and it won't stop. You are answering my question at just the right time thank you!
sounds like the one you are talking about is actually cyanocobalamin - which is fine.
I was really bad when I started using the nasal spray - and used it about 3-4 x a day rather than the 1x a day suggested. I went from struggling to walk to being quite happy perched at the top of a ladder in the space of about 3 weeks ... and 3 months later realised that the depression and anxiety that had dogged me for 40+ years had gone - so for me it was really effective and really quick.
Try it and see how you get on. If you don't find that it helps then there are other things that you can explore.
Guess by now you have probably been out and collected it.
Feel free to contact me if you need support.
which spray did you use gambit? Thinkinb about switching to a spray because I react strangely to injections.
Where do you get these nasal sprays.... what brand are they etc?
I know that here in the United States you have to have it made up by a special Pharmacy. They compound the sprays. I tried to get them in a health food store but they don't have the nasal sprays but they do have the mouth sprays. So that's what I'm using for now. If that works I'll stick with it, if not I'll have the nasal spray made up by the compounding pharmacy. More expensive at $50 I heard but if it works it's worth it
So I just went to pick it up and it's not a nasal spray after all it's a mouth spray. I think I can only get the nasal spray flu prescription. So I opted for the mouth spray for now. Have you ever tried that? It's the gluten-free vegan free Garden life brand which I know is really good. I'm at least going to try it and then I'll talk to my phone health specialist about getting the nasal spray on Monday if I don't think this is going to work. But the nasal spray sounds super promising I just hope the mouth spray works just as well
Hi Jackiekay. If you look at detox people.eu, they sell Yuliv nasal spray and also nasal drops in oil (believe these are the ones gambit uses.
Also - search the Internet for Hydroxocobalamin nasal drops - there are some out there.
Hope this helps 😀
Thank you for that information. I did purchase The Garden of Life mouth spray today and sprayed in the mouth once and it took away the brain fog. I don't know if that's a coincidence but that may be my miracle. But if it's not I will look into those nasal sprays. Thank you for the information!
its a really high dose of B12 - and although the theory is that it gets absorbed in the membranes in the mouth I suspect most actually ends up in the gut but 1% of B12 is actually absorbed outside the ileum so really, really high oral doses can result in enough getting through - but it doesn't work for most people.
If the spray is working for you then I would stick with it.
as Foggyme says I use detox people to source my nasal sprays - and use both YULIV and the nasal drops - and there is also a methyl that can be used nasally with an adapter that I also use occasionally (poor nose :))
Check on the contents to see if it includes any other vitamins - if it includes b6 then make sure that you aren't taking more than 100mg a day as doses above this have been linked to neurological problems - think the EU Upper limit for B6 is 25mg, US is 100mg and UK is 12.5mg
My spray used in the mouth is totally 500 MCG of the Methyl spray. There's no B6 in it or any other vitamins. There's 2% of organic food blend. I think I'm on the lucky side because my B6 levels are fine and my hemoglobin is fine. Think I caught it early enough on the neuro symptoms that I won't need mega doses of anything. My body doesn't tolerate mega-doses of anything anyway. I do believe that going sugar free and gluten free does help the body and that's healthy. First of all sugar is bad for you no matter what. It's in everything so you have to watch it but we all know it's bad for you. Gluten free I have seen so many people helped by. Very hard to go completely gluten-free but I figure if I can go 75% at least, you are still better off and it does help. I drink an Isagenix Shake that has 200% of the B12 in it per serving. Yes I know it's not all absorbed because of the lack of that cell in my stomach but I figure if any of it is getting in and along with all the nutrients in there I'm still better off. It also gives me energy and it stops food cravings. I also am loading up on all the Natural Foods, fruits and vegetables, fish, portabella mushrooms, runa fish etc. that contain B12 and vitamin D to get as much naturally as I can until I find out if any of its being absorbed but I figure something has to be and eating healthy. This has scared me enough and I don't ever want to feel like this again. As soon as my fractured toe heals, I will be joining an exercise class. Something fun like Zumba. That will help me also I am sure. I am just very lucky that I have a great bone health specialist, cardiologist, chiropractor and I get hour massages included with the chiropractor appointment. Relaxation and lack of stress I know are important in recovering from this. My primary doctor isnt worth a grain of salt and I will have a new one in three weeks. It will be my mission to help others wirh PA from what I have learned to prevent others from Ever Getting It.