I started self injecting vit b12 towards the end of August. I don't have pa diagnosis. Have Hashimoto's and very low serum b12 with loads if symptoms. Did every other day methyl injections for 3 weeks then started to see how long I could go between injections. On methyl I got to 3 days before symptoms started coming back. Then started using hydroxocobalamin and have able to get to 6 days before symptoms came back with a vengeance. Mainly brain fog and sore feet. Started making mistakes at work and noticed working memory difficulties were back, and yesterday could hardly walk. So very obvious return of symptoms not at all subtle. Yesterday I injected 1500 of hydro. Woke up today a bit better.
My question is.... How long do most people manage between injections and is it ok to inject more frequently to stop symptoms coming back?
Lu x