the consultant ordered four weekly injections of b12 and I am on my third week. My legs and knees , fatigue, walking straight all good - but still wake in the night with such pain in my feet I just don't know where to put myself. Any ideas?
still have pain in feet: the consultant... - Pernicious Anaemi...
still have pain in feet

Has the pain changed in any way since starting injections? Gotten worse?
Are you supplementing with folic acid ( up to 5 mg), b6 (100 mg) and a daily multivitamin?
It takes more than a couple of weeks to repair the nerve damage - if it can be repaired at all.
Ask your GP for something for the nocturnal pain. Mine suggested amitriptyline but I asked for, and got, gabapentin. It certainly helped me sleep better.
Don't use ice. It will make the pain worse and, if too cold, could cause damage that you may not notice because of the neuropathy.
thank you all for comments..... I did ask my gp about folic acid and was soon shut up. When I get the pain it is as bad as ever..... but I did have 6 good nights then just as I relaxed had two dreadful nights. Icant take amitriptyline because of my pacemaker..... consultant is thinking of Duloxetine which would go well with my pregaberlin. Anyone come across this drug? How do they test for Vit D deficiency?
I have been offered duloxetine but having looked into I am am not willing to try it yet. It can have some serious side effects ( like most things) and when coming off the drug you need to come off slowly. There is quite a lot of info in various forums on duloxetine some people are fine on it but for some it can be horrendous so it's really something you need to do some research on. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year and was then found to have vit d deficiency, low b12, and hypothyroidism all of which can be the case of pain. I have pain all over including my feet and ankles and it's often one of the things keeping me awake. I have been on vitamin d supplements for about ten weeks now and I have a little less pain in them so would definitely recommend asking your gp to test your vitamin d.
"I did ask my gp about folic acid and was soon shut up"
So sorry you have a GP like this. i've had similar experiences in the past. My personal view is that some medics feel threatened by patients who asked questions or who are well informed.
I have come across some research that suggests some antiepileptic drugs can interfere with folate levels and B12 levels.
I have come across some research that suggests some antiepileptic drugs can interfere with folate levels and B12 levels.
Yup, they do. But that is one of them things that's fixed by taking supplements.
I take gabapentin and it's great. Every drug in the world has a long list of potential side-effects. Ignore the FUD.
A blood test will show your Vit D levels. I was deficient at the same time as I was diagnosed with B12 at 120.
The pains in my feet were very bad yet my GP didn't test for either deficiencies for well over a year.
By that time I was beaten big time. 7 tests were done for under active Thyroid in 11 months, I have been underactive for over 30 years.
Symptoms are very similar for both. I lost a lot in that time and actually thought I would rather be admitted To a mental health ward.
Anti depressants were increased to salve their conscience. I know now that I never needed them.
I supplement Vit D3 and K2.
Thank Goodness I'm on the road to recovery but I've had to learn a hard lesson jillc39,
Take responsibility for your own health. It is somewhat empowering.
Take care,
J 🍀
I have found sitting with my feet in warm water helps when they hurt. Its probably best to do it just before going to bed as walking around for any length of time afterwards undoes the good work.
You are still in the early stages of rebuilding your levels of B12. All those nerve endings are waking up. Have you tried a foot soak before bed, maybe with Epsom salts? Or massaging your feet with some foot cream? It will take a while before things settle down, depending on how low your B12 was when treatment began.
thank you