Hello All. Please could I pick your brains with a couple of quick questions, prior to a Gastroenterology appointment on Monday. As is usually the case, I may have work hard to get any kind of successful outcome and want to clarify my thinking so I don't look like a numpty!
Recent blood results show B12 >2000 (not surprising, I self-inject every other day) but I was surprised to see that my serum folate level is >20ng/ml (reference range 2.6 - 17.3). I have only been taking 400ug of folate daily.
So...could this be indicative of some kind of methylation problem? Are there other reasons why the folate level should be so high?y
Also - I had considered trying methyl folate. Would It be so safe to do so with a folate level that is already so high?
Now to the iron...I have been self supplementing with iron for a year, prior to three months ago, when serum ferritin came back as 14ng/ml (10-420) - serum iron not done. GP stated this was ok but I persuaded the practice nurse to prescribe a three month course of ferrous fumarate.
She re-ran the serum ferritin last Friday. This showed a small improvement (up from 14 to 36ng/ml (10 - 420ng/ml). She also did a serum iron and this was 14umol (reference range 14 - 28umol). These look stubbornly low to me.
Do you think it is appropriate (or necessary) to ask the gastrologist for an iron infusion? Or is this just another one of those waiting games that we have to play?
Don't want to look like a whimp but this has been going on for so long and I feel...well...really really ill!
P.s. I have hychlorhdria, gastric paresis, and more than likely gastric atrophy (asking gastro about this on Monday). I've been taking the iron with orange juice and also supplementing with vit C and HCA (amongst many other things).
And just to throw something else into the mix, I have a serum creatinine level of 54umol/L (60 - 120). Something to do with muscle mass, I think. Perhaps I'm just wasting away π. Any ideas?
Any comments and suggestions would be very much appreciated ππ
P.s. Would I be right in thinking that the low iron and high folate levels could potentially mask Macrocytic anaemia?