I'm on day 3 of self-injecting 1mg hydroxocobalamin (finally!). I've read a lot about the various vitamins and minerals which can help optimise your body's use of B12. In fact, I've read so much I'm quite bewildered. I understand that everybody is different, and will find their own personal treatment plan which works for them, but wondered if anybody was willing to share the treatment plan, or any advice/experiences, which gave them best results-just as a starting point.
I'm suffering mainly neurological symptoms (weak/numb legs and faintness/dizziness/tinnitus).
I'm currently taking (per day):
2500mcg methylcobalamin (in the morning; this seems about as much as I can tolerate at the moment; suffer dose-related headaches)
1 x mg hydroxocobalamin (taking later in eve)
The supporting cast is:
-potassium chloride (supplement 400mg in the morning + banana smoothie and dried apricots)
- magnesium citrate (supplement 400mg morning)
-800mcg methylfolate (lunchtime)
-cod liver oil capsule (lunchtime)
-multivitamin with iron (dinnertime)
--50 mg vitamin B3 (dinnertime)
I'm struggling to figure out how to balance all of these supplements- in terms of doses, frequency, distribution/order through day...
Any thoughts welcome!
Thank you