hi all. i'd be grateful for any advice/comments. i have ME/CFS for some yrs. i commenced on a protocol called the Sinatra Protocol some 1/2 yrs ago(CoQ10/magnesium/b3/d-ribose/L-carnitine). my environmental Doc added b12 to the protocol about 12 months ago. i had a wonderful response from the hydroxycobalimine once i added folic acid. my folate levels were low. it took some time for the good results to happen.
however, the response from the hydroxyCo/B has diminished massively with the return of old symptoms i.e. swallowing difficulties/persistent chest pain/marked cheilitis/irritability etc) my Folate levels went from 'low' when measured about 8 months ago to 20 (4.6- 18) presently. i was taking 800 mcg daily. standard cardiology test were NAD. i have just completed a course of antibiotics. the b12 symptoms have exacerbated measurably post the infection/Antis.
i've been reading up on what maybe causing this diminished response from b12 & wondering if there is anything i can do to correct it.
1)if it's an auto immune response to TC11, would it help if i changed to Methyl b12? btw, i have lots of auto-immune stuff from IBS to multiple food sensitivities etc.. there's a family history of PA. my PA & tests were neg.
2) i have previously tried transdermal 'Adenosyl/Mthyl'. after an initial short lived marginally positive response, it made me very, very groggy/drowsy & sleepy without sleeping.
3)i've read in a post from the 'Phoenix Rising' - an ME/CFS forum, that taking more than one type of b12 @ any one time can interfere with the absorption of active b12 through the cell wall thus negating the b12 effects. as my fuzzy brain has returned, i have difficulty explaining the nitty gritty details/mechanisms as outlined in that particular Phoenix Rising post.
4)any comments/insights on the high Folate levels also welcome?
anyhow, i'd be most grateful for any input.
much thanks in advance