I receive regular hydroxocobalamin I m from my GP which is red in colour, a friend brought a box of 10 cyan ampules from Germany, 5 are red and 5 are clear. Do you know if this is correct. Is this correct? Can the clear ampules be used?
Authentic B12: I receive regular... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Authentic B12

What was the manufacturers name.
cobalamin is a red substance so sounds as if the clear ampoules may well be a problem in the manufacturing process.
The usually come in dark ampoules (to minimise impact of light degrading the B12 so difficult to tell for sure what the colour of the contents are without opening them.
They came from a pharmacy in Germany, the ampules are clear, 5 red and 5 clear liquid
What is the brand - most common are either Hevert or Rotexmedica.
Personally I would be suspicious of anything that comes in a colourless glass ampoule.
We use these, we buy them in Italy. You have to open one clear and one red ampule, they come in pairs, draw the clear fluid with your syringe and put it into the brown ampule. Then gently agitate it to combine the two, then draw the mixture into your syringe and inject sub-cutaneously. B12 is commonly sold in this form in Europe. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply, I have 2 ml ampules, would I have to mix both red and clear contents together, use 1ml and store the other 3 ml in a syringe or somewhere until ready to use ?
That's very interesting, I'm not familiar with having to re-constitute B12. I know it's a common process with things like peptides but that's interesting that that's how they package B12 in certain parts of Europe. Out of curiosity it a 1000 MCG or 2000 MCG concentration that you have?
Hi, thanks for your reply, I have 2000/2 ml ampules, I have bought 1 ml ampules prior but purchased these by mistake. The first batch did not require mixing. Not sure if I should use or how to store once open.
Hmmm, thanks for the further information. I'm not sure what you have. Is it a multi injection vial or is it just a vial that you crack open..? I've not heard of 2ML multi injection vials. If it is a multi injection vial I always store my in the fridge after opening but I'm currently living in the tropics so I take extra care. Honestly not sure what to suggest on your product, have you checked the suppliers website?
Thank you for your help, much appreciated, will double check web site.
In my experience (and I'm no expert but..) you should NOT have to store the next dose in a syringe. I would advise against that actually as you increase the risk of a contaminant entering your injection solution. If it is not a sealed multi injection vial then be careful. If you would like a reference to a very cost effective quality source of 2000MCG let me know. I'd post the link now for you but I'm mindful that this is a community sharing health concerns and not a forum to promote a particular commercial enterprise but if you require that sort of info please let me know and I'm happy to help.
Hi, thank you for your help, it's very much appreciated. I would be grateful if you could forward the link for hydroxocobalamin.
No problem, they have cyanocobalamin 1000mcg and 2000mcg in 10cc multi injection vials. vitaminb12direct.com
and are very good about getting back to you if you have any questions. Hope that helps.
Thank you, I have 2 ml ampules, wonks I need to mix both ampules, red and clear, use 1 ml and store the other 3ml in a syringe or something?
possible that amadeusdante hasn't noticed that you have asked a question - suggest that you hit the reply button at the bottom of his post and re-ask the question.
Sounds as if the ampoules are a mixture of saline and B12 ... there are probably instructions in the packet that explain things but they are going to be in german so may not be of much use.
Would be useful to know the brand.
Hi thanks for your reply, I will resend the Q. I will let you know the make of the Cyan B12 Tuesday.
Hi, the box reads, vitamin B12 hevert plus folsaure hevert. The box contains 5 brown ampules with 3mg of red hevert and 5 brown ampules with 2mg of clear folsaure hevert.
Folsäure is German for folic acid so it looks like your friend has bought this
or something similar.
I have never seen these but I suspect that the clear ampoules are injectable folic acid.
Thank you, that clears it up, I will only use the cyan, I just need to figure out how to store the opened and unused B12 from the 3 mg ampules. Regards.
The ampoules are intended for single use i.e. all the contents to be injected immediately. It's at your own risk but if you really need to split the dose I suggest you load two syringes, inject one, recap the needle on the other and put it in a cool, dark place. Personally, I would not keep it any longer than 24 hours.
Your real problem is that you have the wrong product. You would be much better off with the usual 1mg dose which is available in either 1ml or 2ml single use ampoules.