Hi new to this site, but not to HU
Went to gp yesterday, with symptoms of very severe breathing problems, which I have had for ages in past it was put down to COPD which I may have, my problems progressed to extreme tiredness, awful fatigue, can hardly go out due to dizziness, losing balance and the breathing, he checked my blood results and in November of 2014 my numbers were 11.3 had blood done again early this month and it had dropped to 5.1 in just five months, I have to have regular blood tests due to other health issues, I really don't know what to do next as he has left me on ferrous sulphate that I have been on for 2 years due to massive GI bleed from mouth I have liver disease not alchohol induced, so am at a loss as I live alone husband died nearly 2 years ago, and feel really I'll can't even want!k to gp as breathing and weakness prevents it, one person who drives me there is now away, so am at a loss where to go from here. Sorry for long post but it seems gp doing nothing for me, oh yes swelling of left ankle which he puts down to anemic any advice at all I would appreciate. Annette