Anyone know if there more of a prevalence of chronic frequent (ex 2-3 times per week) migraines with cyanocobalamin injections versus other forms of cobalamin? My migraines began 6 years ago at age 40 when diagnosed with PN.
I have had 1 month cyano injections for 6 years, take no multi or other tabs. I found out recently my levels are still kind of borderline low for someone with monthly injections (300). I still have some symptoms such as memory, fatigue, palps, and have tingeling & numbness in hands and feet that comes and goes. Homocysteine level was mid range and normal. Folate checked and normal. Ferritin normal but on low side around 25. The doctor did not do an active b12 test, just serum.
What is the concensus on toxicity of the small dose of cyanide? Most of what I read online indicated the small amount should not be an issue, but I also read the contrary. Is the methycobalamin injection actually better? Anyone know and have solid data/research to support their information?