This is a bit of a faff but on the link below scroll down to Engels link to the Blood Journal
That goes to a film which was made in the 1920s. It is of the original B12 patients.
At the time it was believed that the anaemia caused the neurological damage - ie the physical injury.
The patients got treatment to reverse the problems with their blood - which was easily achieved and then they got EXTENSIVE treatment to reverse the neurological injury.
It was later realised that the anaemia did not cause the neurological damage. That it was in fact just one 'possible' symptom of the DNA dysfunction. Trouble is that message never seeped through to modern times.
Which is why today doctors still only give you enough medication to reverse the blood problems - they believe they are preventing the neuro damage.
They also believe that you can't get physically injured unless the blood damage turns into anaemia. They think (or thought) it works like this:
B12 deficiency - anaemia - neurological damage.
When in fact it works like this:
B12 deficiency - DNA dysfunction - neurological damage - (possible anaemia)
So, they are waiting for the anaemia before they consider the neuro damage may be as a result of the B12 deficiency - except, for many people, the anaemia never appears in blood test results. Hence, many many people get their neuro symptoms dismissed or diagnosed as something else. Even if they do get a B12 deficiency diagnosed, doctors will still only reverse the blood levels and then declare the B12 deficiency has nothing to do with neuro damage.
Now the symptoms these patients are showing are not symptoms of anaemia. Only some people, for some strange reason, think they are.
These people suffered cellular damage - and even Murphy and Minot knew it took intensive treatment to reverse this.
Yet today people are expected to get this kind of damage reversed simply by having a few B12 injections. It is not possible. It never has been possible.
So, if you have fatigue, see how bad things can really get before you go around wondering 'why' some people don't get better on one jab every three months. Or accusing people of 'imagining' symptoms or suffering from some kind of 'hysteria.'
And if you've got less severe nerve damage, take a good look at what it can develop into if you don't get the correct treatment.
And if you can't be bothered to watch it - then you're not that ill.