Hi, I'm a newbie to this site, just thought perhaps joining would help this awful journey. Mum, who is 83, has been diagnosed with pancreatic, liver and lung cancer. As if hearing this news wasn't devasting enough, 5 days following her diagnosis my dad died. Mum had kidney cancer last year, had the kidney (and cancer) removed and the doctors don't think this pancreatic cancer is connected to the kidney cancer.
She's decided not to undergo any treatment, I've since been told that there isn't any treatment options available anyhow. So now after nursing and watching my poor old dad pass away, I'm straight into the same process with mum. She's doing OK at the moment, is very down to earth and accepting of her situation, even joking to me that perhaps I can get 'buy one get one free' on funeral deals!
We don't really know how long she had, nobody has given us that news, maybe they don't know... One nurse said 'perhaps weeks/months' but that's as far as we know. Not sure I want to know - does it help?
The hospice at home team are wonderful, mum wants to stay at home if at all possible (we managed to keep dad at home) and at the moment she's doing OK, lost loads of weight and very little appetite. The thoughts of losing mum so soon after my dad is just the worst thing ever, I'm very close to them both and although I'm usually a pretty strong person I'm really find it hard to deal with.
Well that's me! I'm not sure why I've written this but hope that by just being in touch with others in a similar position will help me in some small way. Thanks for reading this x