Hi my name is Kelley and I lost my mum Janet on August 11th 2011 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer only 7 weeks earlier xx
I lost my precious mum to pancreatic ... - Pancreatic Cancer...
I lost my precious mum to pancreatic cancer

Hi Kelley, if you have just joined this site - welcome , my name is Cath and i was diagnosed in oct with this awful cancer . So sorry you have lost your mum, had she been ill a while before diagnosed ? You will find a lot of support on here , Also if you go onto facebook and join , Familys in support of pancreatic cancer , i have made quite a few friends on there and we all have a moan together , p Cath x x
Hi Kelley
I'm sorry to hear you have lost your mum to pancreatic cancer. I hope you have good support around you. I'm sure you will get good support on here also from the people that have been through, or are going through, similar circumstances to you.
Cath has mentioned Facebook in her reply and you may be interested to know that there is an epetition link on Facebook now as we are trying to get pancreatic cancer debated in Parliament to improve the earlier detection and survival statistics of this dreadful cancer. I know, sadly, this won't help for your mum (or my husband, I lost him to pancreatic cancer in December 2009). However, if you are interested in taking a look, the link is below.
Sending you very best wishes
Maggie xx
Maggie xx
Hi cath and maggie
Thank you so much for the messages and I am so sorry To hear of both of your circumstances I hope you both are doing as w well as you can be x x. My mum was only showing any real signs of being ill 4 weeks before her diagnosis when she turned yellow and became really itchy that's when we kinda knew it was something serious previous to this there was nothing really , she was more tired than usual and lost lots of weight as had no appetite but my father had a stroke and heart attack at Xmas and my brother has been battling leaukemia at same time so doctors put it down to stress and we accepted this
I am still in total shock and can't really accept this has happened yet , so sorry if I am rambling ,
Take care
And again thankyou
Ps I have already signed petition will try post link on my page too x x
Hi Kelley
You are not rambling at all and I can understand your shock at how quickly this all happened. You sound like you have had a lot to deal with with your father and brother being ill also - I hope that there has been an improvement in their health. Thank you so much for sharing the Facebook link, you have made a difference to the number of signatures already
Take care of yourself
Maggie xx
Hi Kelly , what a traumatic time you have had ... hope your dad and brother is improving , Don't ever worry about rambling on , we are all here for each other and try and help each other , we are the ones that know the devastation this cancer brings , i also lost my dearly loved brother to this 3 years ago . Hope you join the facebook site as you will find a lot of support on there . Take care and remember you are not alone . Love Cath x x x
Hi Kelly , so sorry to hear of your sad loss , you will get all the support you need from here and the face book site as everyone totally understands what your going though and how shocked you must be feeling , mums are very precious! they leave a huge gap in everyones lives, . I know exactly how you must have felt as my mum was diagnosed with this cancer at the beginning of September 2011 , she too had no symptoms other than jaundice , unfortunatley this is one of the silent killers that you dont know you have , the pancrease has no nerves in it and therefore you feel no pain untill the tumour presses on another organ , jaundice can be a symtom of a blockage either at the start or in advanced cancers. Mum is battling her cancer but it's not easy . I cant imagine life without mum , your facing the reality and with your dad and brother to cope with I'm sure things are difficult , I find having a good cry does help! Rest assured though Kelly you are not on your own and everyone is so undrestanding , there are alot of people who are trying to find better detection and treatments for this cancer , it may not help my mum or your mum but hopefully my generation or my childrens generation , we need to do somthing .Take care and I hope your dad and brother are feeling better , I hope you have a good support network . Nessy xx
Thankyou so much everyone I know this is so hard for all of us and one day yr ok next crashing down , nessy just keep letting yr mum know how much you love her. , I can honestly say my mum went knowing how much she was loved and we told her over n over again how we will be ok n look after each other when she has gone , that was hard still not sure I believe it yet !! Mum died in my. Arms and letting her go was the hardest thing I have ever done but helping her to leave so calmly and reassured was priceless xxxx I have something that is keeping my mind busy and making me feel like I'm doing something to help and that's trying to get as many signatures on the petition that I can !! I know our loved ones will be so proud of everyone and what we are trying to achieve thanks again everyone , yr a gorgeous bunch huge hugs and thinking of you all x x x