today ive had to increase my diazapan to 10mg twice a day, last night i had emergency doc rush out to gave me morphine, as diazapan wasnt working, my gp rang this morning insisting not to take morphine & to,cut right down on diazapan, i dont know what to do, my full spinal mri is in a month,the pain has caused me to faint, twice in 48 hours so now bruised back, ive got all those red flag warning signs, gp no help,
need help i have cronic back pain, abdominal ... - Pain Concern
need help i have cronic back pain, abdominal mri showed up minor narrowing of lower discs, finally saw orthaepedic specialist last week.
You go with what's in your heart....9/10 we the patient are right.
Am in a similar situation as yourself, since my symptoms started in 2008, No health expert would beleive me as to how I was living my life in total pain.
Now am now at the stage of where everything now has gone to far, and nothing can be done surgically.
I have probs with 11 discs, I find 5 discs in the cervical area of the neck are my main problem, now am registered disabled, my ability to walk is limited, I gat spasms in my neck, arms and legs, on which I was on Diazapan but am now on Baclofen on which at thus stage am not sure if it's helping, but Ive only been on Baclofen a short time, so time may tell.
So less off me blabbing on, you do what you want.
Take care
Ypu don't say who increased your diazapan? If your pain was serious enough to call out the doctor after hours - you should take his advice otherwise it is wasting his time. I presume he didn't carry any morphine that's why your own GP rang and said not to take it.
Yes it is an adictive drug but so many with chronic pain it is the only thing that works and as they never get better its addiction is immaterial.
Speak with your GP - he is your first line of advice and tell him your worries.
Good Lick
Pat x
I'd also ask your GP to refer you to a Pain Clinic. Just filled in my 'choose-and-book' yesterday for an appointment on 9th April.
First I would suggest a pain clinic course, ask the GP, they will instruct you on what they would do. They will also advise on the best medication as many clinics advise diffferent meds. Some pain clinics will be reluctant to prescribe morphine while other will. If you are on this the GP will most probably suggest that you take a rest from it every now and again, in fact many will want to take you through the list. Diazapan is normally given in short periods so say it is more of a problem than the opiates
Mixes of pain medication are possible as they are in different groups, pain control should advise you what can be mixed.your GP should also tell you how to do this.
One of the problems here is that your meds need sorting so that you can sort yourself out
initially this is up to your doctor and specialist, you can have scans on joints with a mobile scanner, that can be done at a specialist appointment clinic. You really need to have a serious chatter to the doctor make a list what you want and see what He offers, MAKE A DOUBLE APPOINTMENT
When you go to a pain clinic they will help you negotiate your pain.
One thing that I will tell you is that NSIDs can be mixed with opiates, paracetamol can be mixed with former, the Tens can be used with all
Hope this will help, remember it is your pain, and the doctor is in partnership with you to make life more comfortable.
You can always get support here
All the best