Bouncing Balls: Bit of this The 3 week pain... - Pain Concern

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Bouncing Balls

nedd profile image
4 Replies

Bit of this

The 3 week pain management course flew by in a flash.

The list of talks on offer covered all sorts from helpful thinking to under standing medication and pain. There was plenty of stretching and gym work. We all went home clutching a list of goals that for me includes, stretches every day and regular visits to the hydro pool. Now will I be able to keep the ball rolling? Basically the message was as excepted, "It's here to stay and these are the tools to aid you on your way". Although I did sort of hope for a bit of magic to make it at least Sod Off for a bit.

Not anticipating how much energy and feel good factor would be derived from being with so many people has left me feeling doubtful of my bouncing along skills. There is something revitalizing about mixing and mucking with a group of strangers. It is no good I shall just have to get out more. However it might take more than a few bouncing balls to shift me of an evening though!

Bit of that

Bouncing ball game

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nedd profile image
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4 Replies
charlie_red profile image


Did you enjoy the pain management course? I have just finished a 6 week course! It was quite good but I found it was already things I was trying such as pacing and goal setting .. But it has encouraged me to go to Pilates/Yoga which has been good so far :).

Hope your having a good weekend, C x

superannie profile image

Hi sounds interesting but I think we are all focusing in some way or other to deal with the pain hey. Mine at the moment is to try and fill my mind with a totally new thought far away from the pain and it is helping a bit. Good on you for going to the effort to try it out, cheers for now

teadrinker profile image

It is certainly difficult to keep the balls bouncing and to get moving now the nights are darker - and the mornings too (hence my current failure to get fitter, it is so much nicer to stay in bed a bit longer - but not so good to end up stiffer.). I am trying to work on improving my posture (still) and keep forgetting. I think I'm going to write it down, as I find that if I write a list of things to do every day I am more inclined to actually do them because crossing them off the list is so satisfying. Simple things please simple minds.

I think it's still OK to wish for that magic cure. We could all do a with a bit of that. There is nothing wrong in dreaming every now & again.

Keep going, Nedd!

nedd profile image

I did enjoy the course hugely. Pacing was a bit of a revelation and just knowing that pushing through things causes my flare ups has been liberating. I did try pilates but when a new group started she upped the anti and it became a bit much.

suppernannie I am intrigued what is your all consuming thought. I did pick up a book on mindfulness on the course and it gave me pause for thought.

Teadrinker. Posture now thats on my list of improvements. I went on the treadmill and as I find walking helps with the pain sometmes enjoyed pacing out. And I think it was the only time for years that I felt I was walking correctly. If I could afford it I would find someone who does the Alexander technique. It's terrible hard to self correct years of slouching and slumping.

Re: tick lists. I even put extra things on there that I have accomplishes it is wonderful to tick them off. Lately I have gone all creative and found small ink stamps and made a sort of work in progress chart that covers areas like practical stuff but exercise and social stuff as well. It's on the back of a pretty picture that hangs in my bedroom and I can stick new bits of paper on when it's filled up.

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