What do you find triggers flare-ups in your p... - Pain Concern

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What do you find triggers flare-ups in your pain?

8 Replies

Anything and everything which you think triggers flare-ups - if it's physical activity, what type specifically is worst?

8 Replies
tettridge profile image

Weather to hot, to cold, raining, to dry. Sleeping to long (not often), being in bed to much (again not to often), being up to much, walking , not walking, exercising, not exercising, Having to shampoo my hair twice, Getting the idea yet I have had this for a few years and still have not found the real trigger. All I do know is that sometimes I think something else is wrong as it has not changed or gone away after a couple of weeks, only to get to the doctors and it changes (I had bad hip for about a month and as my wife has had a new hip I know the symptoms, went to the doctor (two week wait for an appointment) only to find it has changed and has gone to the other hip or the knee or something just as stupid.

I do wish I could say that vacuuming would do it or putting the washing on the line but this may be true as a trigger but only with another factor like putting out the washing on a sunny day when we have had sunny days for a week or two or if I vacuum and I move the settee (it is on rollers) that may start it off and on another day it doesn't, weather?, air pressure?, I really do not know for sure what is the main trigger, if I did I could stop doing it.

Kindest Regards


disney-girl profile image
disney-girl in reply to tettridge

Terry, I'm right with you on this one! I too can not say for certain that a particular activity causes me flare ups. It really used to frustrate me that i had no control over flare ups, until i attended a pain management programme. I now feel that I am beginning to regain some degree of control now through pacing activity, stretches, regular low grade exercise and taking time to relax a little bit more. I would recommend you have a look at this link for some inspiration.


Hope it will be of some help to you :)

tettridge profile image

Hi All (again)

I Have been on a pain managemement course and if anyone can get on one do so because they give valuable insight not only in your pain but when you interact with others in the same boat (in Chronic Pain) you realise you are not alone, you get help with drug recommendations, help with breathing, relaxing techniques and exercises all of which help to give an insight into your triggers.

As well as the age old question 'will I get enough pleasure in doing this when I know it is going to hurt for a few days?'

The website Disney-girl recommends is excellent, and do not forget to search the web for help with your own personal reason for the pain e.g.- Neck pain, Spine, Rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis etc.

Some people are allergic to the web and if you can help them get them info or get yourself as well as them to the library (but not if you or they are hypochondriacs).

I am sorry for being so long on my posts but as I have been with pain for a long time (diagnosed with Cervical Spondulosis at 27 and now 62) and want to help others.

Kindest Regards

I do get flare-ups for no reason that I can think of, but they are made worse by over doing things, and not getting enough sleep, also I believe the weather is a major factor for me. Best wishes Cazx

teadrinker profile image

Ironing, hoovering, driving - especially changing gear, carrying anything in my "bad hand" or wearing a handbag on that shoulder, sitting still for long periods or long car journeys as a passenger, having to turn my head to one side to see properly such as in meetings, accidentally lying on my side or front when asleep, and typing.

Knowing what triggers it means I can have a bit of control over it, for example by not doing all the ironing in one go, and knowing that if I do I will pay for it later. There are some triggers that are unavoidable ( if I could get out of the ironing I would!), particularly the sleeping position ones, though I am better off now with one or no pillows. It's a matter of trial and error, and being flexible about how to do things, because my triggers have changed over time. It has been a long road in working all of this out because I am used to doing things at 90 miles and hour and getting jobs done all at once.

docnai profile image

i have no trigger the pain is there constantly, new pain comes along for no apparent reason. sounds crazy but i swear its got a mind of its own. ah well

Am with most of you on this, it don't take much for me to have a flare up....

But normally when I do, it usually last a few days, am having one today, it started yesterday, it affects most of my movement on my arms, neck and lower back and left groin/leg....

Was at GP yesterday about my flare up's and all she did was increase my Naproxen to 1250mg which is 5 tabs a day, it used to be 3...

Don't see it doing much good though...

Take care


loquacious profile image

Feeling better then doing too much.

Feeling better and not taking rest periods with ice or heat.

Long car rides.

Worry and disagreements with loved ones.

Too much lifting or time at the computer.

Not getting enough sleep for a few nights in a row.

Skipping my stretching routine.

Flare-ups are usually a combination of the above.

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