When originally diagnosed with a hiatus Hernia and GERD (don't even remeber being diagnosed with gall stones as they weren't causing any problems) the painful attacks used to be few and far between and were just that...painful.
Fast forward a few years, attacks are generally hours of pain, sweating and vomiting. They're also happening most days. I've seen the Dr and have dates for my endoscopy (to ensure my hiatus hernia hasn't worsened) and to see the upper GI surgeon, still waiting for dates for a barium swallow and ultrasound (the referal was only done on Monday so I'm pretty impressed to have 2/4 already!) but with a holiday fast approaching I'm in desperate need for any hints or tips for coping with it, and meal ideas that are as fat free and bland as possible and also vegetarian!
My Dr has switched me from omeprazole to lanzoprazole and has prescribed buscopan. I often take gaviscon dual action (tho it doesn't seem to do much?!)
Thanks guys!!