I am in a lot of pain with my knee arthritis this weather has not help is there anyone who could tell me what works with the pains don’t won’t to keep relying on medication
arthritis pain: I am in a lot of pain with my... - Pain Concern
arthritis pain
That sounds horrible and I've heard of people where the pain gets worse with the cold and damp.
Have you discussed with your doctor? He should be able to help with pain medications, but also decide if you need to be seen by an Orthopaedic Consultant, My husband had arthritis and pain in both knees and when they x-rayed it the joint was bone on bone. He has had both knees replaced and now a few years down the line has little to no knee pain.
As alternatives some people find heat treatment helps or TENS machine. I certainly find warmth helps my general arthritis. Some people find physiotherapy helps.
I have only two experiences with osteoarthritis - the right knee and both shoulders. The right knee was fixed with a partial knee replacement surgery. Sorted back in November 2015. No pain only a stiffness when I get on my knees trying to find our cats toys under furniture.
The right shoulder was fixed with a cortisone in jection. No more problems.
The left shoulder is awful, beyond awful in fact ! I have had two injections into it, both only gave temporary pain relief, I have deferred the third ( and final injection ) as before Christmas there were signs it was healing itself. Now having been swamped in damp, moist, humid, rainy weather since christmas it is getting worse and worse. Mind you the weather down here at the pointy end of Cornwall isn't conducive to permanent healing. It definately gets worse and I can often feel a weather change coming on, even in summer by an increase in pain level. Sleeping is terrible too and I seldom get a complete restful nights sleep as at some point I end up on my left side, which triggers the left shoulder.
So for me at the moment its heat patches and CoCodomol 30/500 .... I'm on Warfarin for life and so all the normal over the counter anti inflammatories are not on ... for me anyway. I am considering researching ( but haven't done it yet ) looking at the wisdom ( or otherwise ) of infra red heat lamps - for what its worth for your consideration.
Hope you find a solution.
suffer with back& feet pain I rub "Magnesium" into the pain area. i take "Bio Curcumin" tablet to assist pain relief. This i have found most effective relief can buy over the counter at Pharmacy
I recently went through the same situation apparently and went to a physical therapist, which has done wonders for my knee. I still have a slight pain at times, but I’m walking very well and using it to play golf 18 holes and this is about three months later from first contact of a physical therapist. Hope one.
If you are looking for natural pain killers my first suggestion would be to buy some roll on frankincense oil. Rub it in the areas and it will help.
Passion fruit tablets help with pain and sleep.
Turmeric ( curcumin ) tablets help with pain as does magnesium bisglycinate.