I am terrified of the doctor but am in so much pain due to a lot of surgery as a child for a curved spine. I'm more metal than bone in my back and hips!I do not visit rhe doctor because I fear they will delve into my health and tell me to stop drinking, smoking, change my diet and find new illnesses I probably have. I don't want to address any of this, only my pain which is rui ing my life. I don't know what to do because getting seen by the GP automatically means they will push for tests and other ailments be discussed but I need treatment for pain so badly
Not been to doctor for over 50 years - Pain Concern
Not been to doctor for over 50 years

Don't discuss other ailments just discuss your back pain. They won't delve into something they don't know about

Hi HelloAllGoodDay,
I wanted to let you know about our navigator tool painconcern.org.uk/the-navi... This has some questionnaires which helps you to identify which topics relating to your pain that you'd like to focus on at your medical appointment. It helps discussion between patient and healthcare professional, and something we encourage people to use at their appointment for pain management.
I am sorry to hear you are terrified following childhood experiences as a child. Please remember that you are able to have someone go in to the appointment with you for support (eg friend or family member) if you would like to.
We also have pain education sessions. You are welcome to attend a session. This is delivered by people with lived experience of pain and aims to provide a better understanding of pain to help you manage your condition more effectively in the long term. More information, including booking, can be found here: painconcern.org.uk/pain-edu...
-Pain Concern Admin
Hello 👋 I totally understand what you're going through, I have more metal than spine inside me.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, you need to make an appointment with your GP. I know that they'll nag you about smoking (I have the same habit), but you can't cope with over the counter painkillers, they will not help you at all.
If your GP says anything about the smoking, it has nothing to do with your pain. You need to be referred to a pain clinic or your GP must prescribe pain medication for you.
Remember, the GP is just a person, they aren't God's, but unfortunately we're reliant on these people to help us when we're struggling. It is their JOB, just like it's refuse collectors job to collect our refuse.
Do not be afraid of the GP please 🙏🏻
You need help! And, the only person who can help you to start with is your GP.
I was told that I needed to lose weight, I couldn't until I got ill with something else.
Also, if they do find other medical problems, surely it's much better for you to get the treatment that you may need. There's a 50/50 chance that there's nothing else medically wrong with you.
They cannot deny you pain relief just because you may be overweight, a smoker.
Please get some help 🙏🏻