Hi everyone
For the last 3 weeks I have been having slight headache at the top and back of the head. It is not that bad that I have to take paracetamol but it is there especially in the mornings and as the day progresses it settles down by evening.
Sometimes it is actually more of a feeling of heavy headness sometimes light headiness and eye strain.
I had actually stopped taking Amitripilyne 10mg about the same time 3weeks ago. I was talking Amitripilyne for nearly 2 years. So I thought it might be side effect of stopping suddenly so i restarted taking one Amitripilyne 10mg again since one week now but this didn't improve things much.
I got my eyes checked and all is OK.
So I consulted a neurologist and he recommended a few blood tests (CBC, Iron, Ferrtin and B12) which were all fine. He also recommended neck xray and brain MRI.
Neck X ray showed mild spondylitis. He said to have physiotherapy for this.
Brain MRI report received this morning. All Seems normal expect a comment about partial empty sella which is shrinking of putitutory gland. Not serious as i understand
Does anyone suffer from similar head symptoms because of mild cervical spondylitis ?