So hey, I'm new here, I joined because I really don't know what to think of those weird symptoms.
I have had neck problems for quite a long time due to really bad posture but lately it's been getting worse, I feel my neck tight and sore, I even feel pressure on it sometimes when I first lie down. I've been getting those sharp pains either on my neck (both sides) or head (pretty much everywhere and temples too), those pains last for seconds but they're really scary. Sometimes when I twist my neck to look at something, I get that sharping pain.
Also, I've been feeling my head heavy when the neck problem became worse, and started feeling off balance,or that I'm not walking straight , sometimes faint too. I'm scared of a brain tumor. Idk what to think.
I should add that I suffered Generalised Anxiety Disorder for quite a time, and still suffering with Health Anxiety. I have visited a neurologist in Frebruary who didn't seem concerned when examining me but the off balance thing is recent. I;m gonna go back to her and request an MRI. Until then, any ideas? I'm really freaking out. I appreciate any answers!