first was diagnosed pmr 2016, still on pred , currently 6 mg, have had bad last 1 1/2 yr, barious illnesses, and lost son july 2023, was fighting cancerv6 1/2 years , in may of this year had needles lower back for pain, 2 days later stabbing pain right front thigh, had mri , diagnosed with nerve root impingement L2 L3, underwent spinal decompression therapy, for 3-4 weeks daily, finally pain subsided. Now it s back, femoral mervevpain, felt in groin and front right thigh, cant get relief unless off leg for bit, have booked same treatmentvagain, wondering if someone out there has experienced this issue and how managing pain
femoral nerve pain: first was diagnosed pmr... - Pain Concern
femoral nerve pain

My wife had femoral nerve damage from hip replacement surgery. The surgeon kept just giving her painkillers but she didn't like those. We went to another clinic and the doctor there prescribed Gabapentin and Amitriptyline. She didn't like the Gabapentin, said it made her feel weird but she did like the Amitriptyline for taking at night. It helped with the pain and made her sleep better.

oh thank you, well mine was caused from ruptured disk impinging on nerve, right now most pain when on leg, through day, going for decompression again, spinal decompression therapy, thank you though
Where will you get the next decompression ( your fenoral nerve I presume ) performed? Who is doing it? Good luck.
I go to a spinal decompression clinic, I did this lasiay, 20 treatments , first 2 eeeks every day, you are on a table all strapped in and a state of the art machine targets the disk in question and stretches the spine, take pressure off nerve, mlm at a time
Oh, pardon me. I thought you meant ‘surgical’ decompression of the nerve.
I had a severely pinched pudendal nerve in my sacrum on my right side.
No medication or alternative treatment ( I tried everything and I paid for all of it ) helped me.
It’s a long story but I did get my right pudendal nerve released surgically. It was pinched between my sacrosphinous and sacrotuberus ligaments in my ischial spine. The poor nerve was in a vice grip.
I couldn’t sit. I couldn’t bend over to pick something up off the floor or grass. The burning 🔥 pain was off the map.
I almost died in 2010 from 4 years of no sleep. ( my doctors never believed the extent of the injury …I was brushed off and gas lit ).
I know I have right femoral nerve involvement because sometimes my right thigh goes numb. It always reverts back to normal with rest after a walk.
I hope it works for you. Keep us posted.
I myself struggle with nerve issues in my lower back. I started seeing a pain management doctor 3 years ago for treatment. I have had several steroid injections in my very lower back and I have had several RFAs done at the L4-L5 level and then at the L2-L3 level. The RFA basically deadens the nerve and is supposed to last around 9 months. Maybe you could try that and see if it helps.

Thank you, but truthfully think that s what started my problem last may, had injections , one went right into disk, riptured leaked on nerve, so very reluctant to get any more needles,
I have idiopathic lumbosacral plexopathy which one of my symptoms is pain down my femoral nerve. It Started October 22 and I've had two 20mg courses of pred and now currently taking 10mg at night. I can't stand or walk for any length of time but it is better on the pred and I can function with it. Sorry I can't really help just sharing a similar experience. I've had amitriptyline for IBS previously but I didn't get on with it. My IBS turned out to be crohn's and I'm not convinced the two aren't linked in some way