Hi all. I'm new to this group only found you through Google. I was looking nice to see if I can take phenergan with 30mg mst and amitriptalin. I haven't slept for a long time now and I was just wondering if it's safe to take both of them as well as the phenergan X thanks in advance
Hi all I'm new and would like some advice please - Pain Concern
Hi all I'm new and would like some advice please

Hi & welcome!
It should e fine to take them both together, however, everyone acts differently to drugs. I would just play safe and call your GP.
Good Luck
Hi angecreed. What you have to be careful is that when taking meds together is that it may work for someone else who gives you advice....but not work for you. I would honestly give your surgery a quick ring and ask. Unless it's anything like mine and I can take the kids to school and come back AND read a novel before they answer lol. Good luck
Thankyou for your reply. I will try and get an appointment with my gp tmrw but no guarantees as its a nightmare trying to get to see someone especially the one I want as he is in high demand at our surgery. I don't like seeing anyone else to be honest as on the odd occasion I have seen them they've taken me off stuff to then be put back on them by the one I trust. And yes ours is also take kids to school and then wait forever to get to see the dr X
Hi Angerceed, if I were you I can say I wouldn't have a problem taking both these medications, I've given phenergan but usually after given pain medication that might have the side effects of nausea but it's also great for sleep... to be sure you can take amitriptyline try Drug.com is my go to place for info and side effects.... hope you're feeling better soon. Back in the day we gave phenergan IV for sleep but you can get it over the counter a lot of folks take it for allergies which does cause drowsiness.

Thankyou for your reply. I take amitriptalin 150mg daily. Originally prescribed for migraines but also have it for the nerve damage. As you can see from the time me replying it's yet another night so far with no sleep even though my body and mind are exhausted. Once again thankyou so much for the reply and the suggestion of drug.com never heard of it so will go check it out ☺️
Angecreed, I'm wondering when you say you were taking amitriptyline before and I don't know if you know that after taking some meds for so long they 'poop out' and more less don't give the relief etc that you got when first taking it.... so if you find it is not working be sure and advise you doc. I read what you said about trying to see a certain doc and you should do all you can to stick with the same one because the drugs 'chemicals' can cause so really dangerous side effects/interactions in the body even ones you would never think is meds related.... hope this helps
I stopped the amitriptyline cause i felt as if someone was grabbing my back neck so tight it wouldn't relax at all and it actually helped i do take them on odd occasion to get2 sleep but wilkosons sells sleepaid which is by same people that do nytol
Hi just a quick update. Thankyou for all your advice on the mixture of phenagan mst and amitriptalin. I was able to take all together and I have managed a few nights sleep. Today however I am finding it difficult to get out of bed. Not through medication but through horrendous pain with my back legs and arms. Feel like I've been run over by a bus 😞😞 all down to wanting to do a bit in the garden yesterday. Hope everyone has a good day and the sun is shining where you are 🌞😎😃😃