I have just recently been diagnosed with hip ... - Pain Concern

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I have just recently been diagnosed with hip bursitis..

sra7723 profile image
12 Replies

This pain is awful and limits my mobility, I resigned from my job @ the Post Office.@ times this pain is unbearable, Anyone out there have this or can relate. I have been in pain for 1 yr, Thank you for any and all advice.I have just recently been diagnosed with hip bursitis.. This pain is awful and limits my mobility, I resigned from my job @ the Post Office.

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12 Replies
Suedub profile image

I know how your feeling, im in the same pain boat and its hard, especially as people cant see whats wrong cause the damage is on the inside. Im trying to find something to distract myself from the pain as its been get the worse over thr last few yrs, but I found it really helpful on here everyone understad, keep ur chin up and ask ur doctor to refer you to the pain clinic to see whats out there for you try different meds, acupuncture, cbt ect. I hope this helps xxx

sra7723 profile image
sra7723 in reply to Suedub

Me too- I can so relate with the whole distraction idea, nice to now we are not alone. Scary to think this is misdiagnosed, huh?

sharelle profile image

Hi I have bursitis and benefited, although briefly from steroid injections. I was advised by the hip surgeon that pilates and aqua aerobics is very good and beneficial. Pain meds I use are oromorph, cocodamol and tramadol as well as amitryptiline. They don't have much impact but take the edge off. I also used crutched when going out to help. Good luck

sra7723 profile image
sra7723 in reply to sharelle

Yes, the only relief I have had on a minimal level was from the pain meds, I can't take this Anti-inflammatory b/c I have a Hx of a stomach ulcer. Is anyone here 40y/o? I just turned 40 on the 12/12. Maybe swimming is a decent option to explore! Good advice.

Carolinee71 profile image

Hi, I am yet another person who knows how you feel. I had / have ( the jury's out) a hip bursitis . Mine started over 20 months ago. You ask for advice from what little I now know is to sort out your pain meds. I don't know what you are on but as you can see most of us take heavy duty pain meds . I take 40 MST ( slow release morphine) night and morning, along with a newish drug called Lycria but it's trade name is Pregrabalin. I think the drug in. It's self has been around to treat neuropathic pain.and this I take twice a day 75 mg which is quite a small dose but although I can feel that it does help with the pain somewhat I know I should be taking double that but I am having problems with side effects.

My pain started off as a hip bursitis and now has become Fibromyalgia ( lucky me )

It is hard for family and friends to understand what when we say we are in pain it's above a head ache. I told my rhemy dr, when I went to see him about the bursitis , the pain is number 11 on your chart and would gladly give birth twice with no pain meds than live another day with the pain I was in. That was when I started taking morphine and the pain has gone down a bit.

I too had to give up work and money is now very tight, I hate it when I read that so many of us "on the sick" could work if they wanted to, I have been known to shout at the telly. If the doctors could make me better I have a job with my old firm waiting for me. Yes I will miss the £100 a week ESA, I would just have to make do with £300 take home by working. I take working, anytime.

Sorry off subject, my life is different now not helped by now also having this fibromyalgia which just makes lots of my joints to become painful.

But you have to in the end live with what you get in this life and make the most of it. It has taken me a long time to of come to terms with it and I am now better able to make plans and I ask for help which is on thing I would never of done before.

I now take the good from where ever I can find it, tonight younger daughters boyfriend told me my mash potatoes were the best he had ever had. Well it proper made my day

So advice- take the pain killers, ask for help, slow down and make you day into lots of bits in which u can add a dose or to.

I really hope you will soon become one of the lucky ones who get better quickly and you may even be able to go back to work. Good Luck


sra7723 profile image
sra7723 in reply to Carolinee71

Thanks for the response, I am on Oxycodone 15mg, and Flexerill. The deal is the Dr. gave me Reflan and I have a HX of a stomach Ulcer. I spent all wknd in bed, the pain level was/is too much and vomiting, thanks to this Anti-inflamatory-sorry-not trying to be graphic. This pain is crazy, how can a person work with this? Not to mention having any kind of real social-life? I haven't had a traumatic injury like I have read about which causes this. 18 years ago I fractured my pelvis in a car accident, but I can't see how that is or could be afftecting this now. I am gonna ask him to give me a shot - I've had these in my back and had very temp relief, but anything is better than nothing. I appreciate your response-truly I do!

Carolinee71 profile image
Carolinee71 in reply to sra7723

Hi , I am sorry you have had such a bad weekend, but I also have only just been able to get out of bed just now, pain is a horrible thing.

From what I can see, you are on tablets to protect your stomach, and you are on strong pain killers along with a muscle relaxant. Please remember I am not a doctor or nurse and you should be getting advice from them. But I do know from experience if you are taking the above you need to be on some form of medicine to stop constipation as this will cause pain and make you throw up if not treated.

The main thing from what I read is that your pain is not being controlled well enough. I am not sure how often you are taking the oxycodone 15 mg. if it is not holding the pain maybe you could talk to your doctor about taking some form of slow release pain killer so then your body has a constant level of pain killer in your system and you can have a add in pain killer for when you get break through pain.

I do understand how much you are in as I have been there and I still have horrible break through pain even though I am on 40 mg of slow release morphine every 12 hours

You need to go back to your doctor and tell him your pain is not being held at a cope able level and you need to try a different pain management or an increase in the meds you are already taking

Please go / speak to them, it is important, nothing will leave you pain free but you should get the pain level down so you are able to cope with it

I am so sorry you are in this position but it can be improved

Let me know how you get on

Gentle hugs

sra7723 profile image
sra7723 in reply to Carolinee71

Thank you so much. I had an Corti. Injection yesterday, I know they take 2 days to feel the relief, I did have a slight improvement last night about 3 hours with no pain=I was laying in bed though and would get up here and there, slept great though-FINALLY, feels tolerable now, got the dull achy feeling @ present, but not the normal no pain feeling.. I am scheduled to go back to the Dr.[ my PC ] not the Pain Med Dr. on Thurs. Good idea on the Slow release, gonna ask for that.

BTW, I am 40, just turned on 12/12. I am supposed to go to NYC for my BD this wknd and I'm scared to go-don't think I could tolerate the pain accompanied by sitting, walking, standing, Gosh that seems so incredibly crazy and unbelievable to say! I am sorry that you are in pain as well, and your so right being in pain is horrible and down right blows.

Carolinee71 profile image
Carolinee71 in reply to sra7723

Just a quick note I am 42 and this all happened 18 months ago.

As for going on holiday if you decide to go as I did in the summer. You will need a letter from your doctor saying what tablets you are on, or if all your tablets are on a repeat prescription you can just take that. As you will already know take the tablets in the original boxes. When I went I phoned the airline and asked for assistance as I walk with a stick.

On the outward journey I didn't really get much help other than boarding first. But when we got to Egypt it was another matter, they got the lift to get me off the airoplane then a young gentleman came to me with a wheel chair, he just pushed me to the front of every queue and then straight to the awaiting coach it was amazing and had the same service on the way home. It was amazing so do ring them. If you can get away it will help you get though the winter, as you will have great memories. But do ask and you will be amazed at the help you will get outside this county.

Send me a e post card when you get there.

Gentle hugs

I have bursitis in my right hip bCant lie on my right side.I have steroid injections into the bursa every 3/4 months by my pain consultant.In between i use a cordless tens pad.Hope this helps.

sra7723 profile image

Definitely going back to the Injections-I am supposed to get a job offer as a Mail Processor and the way this level of pain is , I wouldn't be able to even take that, I have considered going out on Disability, but I am 40y/o and I heard once you do that it's hard to get back into the work force. Hoping the Injection does the trick!

Auntb0710 profile image
Auntb0710 in reply to sra7723

I worked as a pse for from 2013 til 2015 in the plant worked my butt off in 2015 I fell on a piece of mail and now have been suffering for almost 2 yrs I have had back injections now the hip and groin injections and if you are in as much pain as me you are not going to go to mail processing cause I have trouble lifting my grandchild

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