2 weeks ago i notice that there was a very large mass on my upper right thight which goes around to outer thigh it was not painfull or nothing. Today I been for a walk and it was agony it was area, even to touch it softly was very painfull. Its not red or warm I am very scared its a tumour or a blood clot. Any ideas Ive added image to show you where I mean and how big it is. It is easily to see and feel wherre standing up and pushing your hand down over it. its like 6 inches across and 3 inches down. Its ever been there before. Image is here if it helps?
Big large lump/mass on upper/outer thight on ... - Pain Concern
Big large lump/mass on upper/outer thight on right side very painfull when walking.
Go to your gp or A&E if you are in alot of pain.
that sounds like it could be a DVT in which case you need to go and get it checked out. They can give you meds to deal with it, but if you don’t get it checked out - the clot could travel so it’s essential you go and see what the doctors think.
I'm not intending to scare here but this really hits home for me. My brother that's two years younger, died about 25 years ago. He had a lump in his lower leg calf area and went to the doctor. The doctor said it was a blood clot and started treating it as such with a blood thinner. This went on for a while and after realizing that it wasn't shrinking, the doctor looked at other possibilities such as cancer. Well as it turned out, it was cancer and had metastasized throughout his body. There was a several year battle for him but he eventually lost.
Your lump be the same as I have Lipomas they are non cancerous, They grow under your skin, they feel soft and squidgy and sometimes lumpy, they can be the size of a pea or up to several cm's. I have 2 largish ones on each hip and smaller ones on my 2 upper arms. they don't bother me. The first one I found I had ultrasound scan to make sure it was correctly identified. They are not normally painful, they will move slightly if you push them. As always if you are concerned speak to your Dr and get it checked. Hope you find the answers you need.