I’m trying to find a support group near me for chronic pain, or even an online group. I’m coming across lots of “support” that are charging fees.
Anybody belong to anything?
I’m trying to find a support group near me for chronic pain, or even an online group. I’m coming across lots of “support” that are charging fees.
Anybody belong to anything?
you can chat here for free if it helps. Lots of very knowledgeable people who cover lots of pain topics. And we don't judhe anyone
this site is excellent for support. Lots of information too. You could ask the Age Concern UK people. Your doctor surgery might know. Your local community or library might have information
yes I’ve asked all those and they’ve all pointed me in the direction of paid services. Thanks for the comment though!
Depending on what causes your pain it’s worth a scroll on Facebook. I am on some excellent sites where I really feel people care for each other.
But not free?
hi, find out from your gp if they do social prescribing or who does it in your area, my gp offered me sp in 2022 and they have different groups, I belong the the pain peer group and we meet once a month . I wasn’t sure at first but we just sit and talk about pain management and anything else we decide. I know not all areas have this but either the doctor or local council should have info. Good luck. Kevin
I would second asking about social prescribing at your GP surgery. Some surgeries call it something else sometimes, like care navigators, but they will know what you are talking about if you ask to see the social prescriber.
They should know what all the offers are for NHS services locally, but they will also know about what is going on in the voluntary sector too.
For example in my area the community hospital trust runs a Live Well to be Well sessions, the acute hospital trust runs Living Well with Pain, and we have jointly run community interest groups often supported by the council. In fact one in our area got together with the hospital trust and developed a new support group for those with chronic pain. At first the hospital trust thought that they would tell people what sort of group it should be, but the people had other ideas and it turned out completely different. This is co-production, patients, carers and the NHS working together to develop services that people need!
It might take a little digging, and in my experience the GPs have no idea what really goes on in their communities anymore, so don't give up!
Ive asked my GP several times about support networks where I can chat with other people who have chronic pain, it’s either a counseling service or some other paid service.
My Pain Consultant gave me the email address of an organisation that I assumed was a support group and they enailed back saying they charge £20ph
Ive seen support groups for other things, I'm on certain addiction recovery groups and I’m looking for similar but for chronic pain. I know this forum is a support group of sorts but I’m thinking something similar to the above and I’m just getting pointed towards more counseling/paid services which isn’t what I had in mind.
Know what I mean? Like a smokers support group for example.
I suppose i thought considering how many suffer from chronic pain (and that’s a really broad spectrum of people in itself) that there would be lots around.
I appreciate everyone’s responses though - thank you!
I was referred to a Pain Management Course run by a clinical psychologist and a physiotherapist on the NHS but it was only for eight weeks. There was a small group of us with different long term health issues. It was helpful. I think most support groups tend to be around different health conditions. Some areas run Expert Patient Programmes, for instance this one in Essex. but it varies across the country - nelft.nhs.uk/epp/
I’m in Hampshire, and having attended an NHS Pain Clinic was invited, along with others, to train to become a ‘Peer Support Volunteer’ at a local Pain Support Group. The course itself was incredibly helpful - and news about the Pain Support Group is slowly getting through to people. It appears to be helpful to most - and although pain is talked about - it is not the only thing. We chat about all sorts of things, from how the pain affects their daily lives, to where they are spending Christmas, where to buy the best brussel sprouts, to how helpful their GP is when talking about/prescribing for their pain. By the end of the afternoon, it seems that everyone leaves the group in a far happier frame of mind - so, that’s a win for all concerned.
Hey DollyDutchGirl,
I’ll do some research that sounds pretty cool to be honest!
Thank you for your kind reply BertoBishop. I truly hope you find somewhere in your area - or maybe approach a Pain Clinic near you and ask if they are running something similar. If they aren’t maybe suggest that it’s something they could consider. Maybe, even volunteer yourself to train as a ‘Peer Support Volunteer’….?? Meanwhile, all the very best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and less pain in 2025 🤶🏻😊🎅🏼.