yesterday I went to the emergency dentist-I was referred there by my city main emergency dentist. Anyway it was because of an away night and day off tooth pain I had I just could not Cope with. The dentist said what was wrong and told me the best thing was to take it out. I agreed and it was obviously numb by the time I got home. Them the pain started and omg it became unbearable nothing would help. I was taking so many painkillers. Training to sleep. Couldn’t eat or talk. Night time was worse. Everyone told me I’d better thing them. I rang my emergency lot and they’ve told me the dentist who treated will call me back. Still waiting. Anybody experienced this?
tooth extraction : yesterday I went to the... - Pain Concern
tooth extraction

I did many years ago. Agony after the anesthetic wore off. Luckily managed to catch the dentist before closing. He had broken the molar and left a root in situ. After extracting he apologised and pain was gone. I feel very sorry for u but u must see a dentist.
O gosh ur experience sounds so much like mine. I was In agony. They finally called me back In and checked and said ur going to feel pain for a few days because it was a big tooth. But i will put this In to numb it slightly. Made no sense n made no difference. Had another awful night. Woken up In so much pain. I need a really stronger painkiller which might help with the pain. I’ ve tired paracetamol, ibuprofen
But there should be immediate relief unless the nerve is compromised by the remains of a tooth root. Either that or the socket had been damaged. Get an x ray.
Junny123 I had killer tooth pain when I had an abscess under my tooth, it was horrific. The emergency dentist removed the tooth and said he'd drained the infection then packed it and sewed up my gum. That night once painrelief wore off it was really bad. Ended up in A&E who reopened the hole, found not all the tooth had been removed & still a pocket of infection in there. I had the piece of tooth pulled out, put on various types of antibiotics to work differently & pain relief for a few days. Was referred to dental hospital for follow-up just to ensure everything was well before I was reverted back to my usual dentist practice.
If you've not been, I'd suggest getting it looked at again asap, I had a molar out recently and it was easily manageable with paracetamol so your level of pain is not right.
It could be dry socket, all the times I have a tooth pulled I get that, excruciating pain and no amounts of pain relief works! I hope you get back to the dentist quickly and if necessary go to A/E. Good luck.
Do you smoke? They say dry socket can be caused by smoking after an extraction. I smoke and I have had that happen. It was so painful! If you just have to smoke (if this applies to you) you could try packing the area with a bunch of cotton gauze before you smoke and a friend told me this helps prevent it.
yes this happened to me and it turns out i had a condition called Dry Socket. Its where the blood clot falls away too early exposing the bone, my dentist cleaned out the socket, put some antiseptic gauze in the hole and painkillers . It soon healed. It was apparently because the extraction was quite "traumatic" .
It sounds exactly like mine. But the final desperate visit I went to dint say dry socket she said it’sa really bad infection I need antibiotics- why didn’t the o first dentist say this and give me antibiotics In the first place 😫. This dentist did. The pain eased off I felt like I was In dream land with hardly any pain. UNTIL…. The following night the pain started all over again…. But In my whole mouth .. and my hands were red and there were spots In my mouth - i now have hand foot n mouth disease 😢😢😢🙈🙈