Hi everyone not been on recently hope you are all well. I had a fall and injured my wrist that I'm waiting on operation on for de quervains tenosynovitis so I'm in a cast get mri scan next week I've also hurt my hip being told its bursitis but I'm not too sure I can barely walk. I've had bursitis on my shoulder before and got a guided steroid injection that worked wonders but they not doing any of that right now due to covid it's so so painful. They never even gave me an xray so I'll see how it goes. Went to podiatry today and been told my tibialis posterior tendon not been working for 8 years !!! It all started with my foot just going to one side and been told oh it's just part of your condition because I have nerve damage and weird sensations on my foot but tendons absolutely nothing to do with that. Any response be greatly appreciated. Take care stay safe
Suspected scaphoid fracture : Hi everyone not... - Pain Concern
Suspected scaphoid fracture

Gosh !!! You really are going through a difficult time . I have lived with tenosynovitus for years now and I just have to be careful . So many of us are living with pain . Mine is in the right arm . I have back trouble and feet pain too. I do hope you get your operation soon too. You must be feeling very low. I’m surprised nobody has replied to you on here. I just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you. 😊
Hi rabbits65 thank you very much for replying. Yes like yourself I seem to be suffering alot of issues with tendonitis on different parts of my body I question how is this all the time. I had back surgery in 1999 and had ongoing issues ever since. How do you cope ? Finding it hard the older I get I'm 52 now been living with pain since my early 20s. Hope you are well today take care of yourself
Thank you Betsy , I’ve had back pain since the age of 21 . I get a lot of sciatica but I do manage to control it. I’m 69 !!!! My feet are a nightmare , I do keep moving though as I have two bouncy poodles to walk. Yes as we get older it seems like things get much worse . I also suffer tinnitus and am on the healthunlocked forum for this awful affliction . I am coping because I tell myself I have to cope . Having doggies helps!!!! Keep in touch xxx
Hi rabbits65 yes I've constantly got sciatica usually always left side but I have it on both legs right now can barely walk. I'm trying to keep moving but getting muscle spasms in my back it's a nightmare tbh. I know friends n familybalways say how can you cope with all this pain I just need to like yourself. Once to speak to you. Where are you based if you dont mind me asking. I'm scotland
I live in Bexhill on Sea . East Sussex . . Have you tried a physio for your back , silly question really , I’m sure you have. The thing with sciatica is if you let yourself get too stiff it might get worse. It is very difficult to live with pain. Do you find yours wakes you up at night. I also have some bladder issues and I’m up every two hours needing to weee , sometimes if I’m lucky I can go 3 hours but I never get a good night sleep. It’s a pity we live so far apart . 😊
Hi rabbits65 yes tried physio but I feel I get on better doing my own exercises some days good some bad. Yes I'm up and down all night cant re8last time I had a good nights sleep tbh. I have incomplete claudia equine syndrome when my disc slipped it cut the nerve to my bowels fortunately just missed my bladder spinal injuries couldnt believe it so I'm on meds for life cos my brain doesn't get the signal anymore but you learn to live with it. Uch I know quite far away from each other but at least we can talk on here and support each other
Yes definitely can support each other . I’ve never ever heard of this Claudia equine syndrome before. It really sounds like the extreme . Your very brave indeed. I live on my own with my dogs . I have one sister down the road but my family live 94 miles away . I get lonely but I think this is the time of the year . Do you have difficulty with foot wear. I do 😊
Hi rabbits65 google it and you can read up on it I was 2 days away from be paralysed so my surgery was an emergency. I live with my partner and son such a clever boy hes 24 lol doing his final year in university he studying electrical engineering I'm so very proud of him. I think living with pain does make you lonely it's like your in your own wee world at times cos I think unless you live with pain you dont fully understand it all. Got mri scan on wrist this week just hope I can cope trying to stay still butbots not going to be easy with my back and hip. Hope your well today take care
Thank you Betsy, my name is Penny . I came down to Bexhill on sea to help my sister with my mother. She died two years ago and then my sisters husband died suddenly. So I bought a place down here but I don’t like living on my own. I see my sister , I miss my mother but I know with dementia that it was best she was at peace. I miss my family who live in Hillingdon Middlesex . I have 6 grandchildren. My eldest is hoping to become a heart doctor!!! She’s nearly 19. My youngest is only 4 yrs old. I know how you feel to be so proud . I do hope your scan is successful . I know backs are really scary things when they go wrong. I damaged mine in child birth so I was told. I also was accident prone as a child and damaged so many joints . I could give you my email address but not sure if we are allowed to do so on here. Thanks for writing . It’s lovely to have a pen friend . Best wishes from me. Penny
Hi rabbits65 I had mri scan done yesterday so stookie back on till consultant receives results. My hip still very sore walking not good I've requested naproxen from hp as ibuprofen not helping much. Went for lunch after hospital it was lovely just to even get out for a little while. Hope you are well today
This mri was on your wrist wasn’t it ? I know it’s nice to see a change of scenery .I am not too bad thank you Betsy . Best wishes from me. Penny. 😊
Hi Betsy, it certainly is very nice indeed to keep in touch . It is so worrying to have all these different pains , most of the time there seems like no answer to half of them . I just plod along and hope for the best
Hi rabbits65 how are you today ? I dont have a scaphoid fracture thankfully. Consultant send me for xray on hip no fracture just muscular still cant walk too good to get physiotherapy. Glad to have the cast off was difficult just even trying to get washed. Hope you are well today🥰
That’s good news Betsy that there’s no fractures . So now perhaps you can get yourself some good physio.I am not too bad . I am having some issues with my teeth snd the arthritis is always a battle as I am determined to walk my two poodles . Thank you for writing it’s good to carry on with our news. I am liking the lighter nights too , feels like Spring is around the corner. Best wishes from me, Penny . rabbits65