my wife has pain to the back of her left knee tryed pain killers no good can/t think what to doe any idear thamks
knee pain: my wife has pain to the back of her... - Pain Concern
knee pain

What type of pain killers? Ibuprofen is often best for any muscular pain because eases inflammation.How long has pain been a problem and has she seen a doctor?
Hot and cold compresses (alternated) can help.
If doesn’t improve or gets worse then important to get medical advice. Therefore ring 111.
Very occasionally pain in legs can be caused by blood clots. If this is suspected then immediate medical help should be sought.
There are a lot of different things that can go wrong with a knee, including Baker's cysts that cause pain at the back of the knee. It would be best to get a health professional view because guessing might get the wrong answer and make things worse.
Hello cchris01 , the details you give are only few mainly about pain , painkillers are only a temporary solution your wife needs a doctors appointment , which is not easy on a bank holiday, try 111 would be my suggestion but be prepared to answer a lot of questions. A water bottle or heat pad might help till the doctors re opens. If the pain gets worse you may have to go to A&E . If there are any other symptoms like swelling or heat in the area of the pain it could be some thing else other than muscle or tendons so needs investigation. take care both
As a just-retired complementary therapist (mostly Bowen Technique and NeuroStructural Integration Technique) I recommend those for knees for really excellent results. But first look for the causes. Has she had the 'jab'? - linked to blood clots. And for Baker's Cyst..... Doc likely to prescribe Ibuprofen, but takes ages to get the swelling down (Ask the Bowen/NST therapist for Mr Bowen's method to reduce swelling - if he/she does not know, get back to me, pref with your email address so I can send attachment). Best wishes Timbow
Hi cchris01, I have knee issues. At the age of 53 I was told I have to wait until I retire to get a knee replacement. Pain killers work but only in conjunction with exercise and other aids. I do exercise and alternate between resting, putting my legs up on a stool, going for a walk, using an elasticated knee support (I got mine in the pound shop), as well as massage. I sometimes use heated packs. I once used a cold patch but it made the pain worse. You need to show the GP that you're trying all sorts to keep mobile and lessen the pain. Always keep going back and let the GP know that you're trying. Please do not discard the pain killers because the pain your wife is in will not be believed by the GP. It's hard and the days the flare ups start are taxing to say the least. Keep trying to ensure she gets her name on that referral and keeps her place on the surgical list. Good luck 😍
If not already talk to your GP, They can prescribe stronger medications and a strong NSID may help reduce inflamation.
Does your Wife have any idea when or how this pain appeared
Just before Christmas I had pain behind my left knee. I knew I didn’t stand any chance of seeing my GP so booked an appointment with my local osteopath. He said he thought it might be a slight tear, gave me some acupuncture and a type of deep, almost pulling, massage. It was painful and I did swear at him (I usually do) but he gave me some exercises to do and it had cleared up by Christmas. I did have to pay but it was worth it. I first used an osteopath for help wit pain in my right knee a few years ago between being told I needed a replacement and actually having it done. I hope your wife has been sorted out now. Stay safe. 🙂