Hi, is there funding out there? I need alterations made to my car, work place and help with the cost of moving to somewhere more appropriate.
Is funding available?: Hi, is there funding out... - Pain Concern
Is funding available?
PIP is available as non-means-tested support to those who qualify. Also, your local Council will have a discretionary fund which is obtained via an Occupational Health assessment.
You haven’t given anything for us to go in to make suggestions! Don’t know where you work so difficult to advise. Large companies can make alterations via occupational health advice. Also Access to Work can support you in the workplace.As FRreedman says social services may be able to help with adaptations to the home. Also Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can provide additional money to help finance things. If you get enhanced mobility you can get a mobility car where adaptations can be made to suit your needs.
Think you must be joking in this day and age !!!
Your profile doesn't say where in the world you are, and different areas, even within the UK, will have different criteria and programmes. Additionally, it can also depend on what your disability is because there are some community and charity groups that give grants too. If you are in England, contact your GP surgery and ask to see the social prescriber.
Hi, what is a social prescriber? My doctors have no idea how to help me, it's pretty worrying, they gave me a diagnoses and just sent me away. Do you know of any charity groups that could help, or know where i could search?
Social prescribers, also called link workers or navigators, work with GP surgeries to signpost and help arrange support for people with disabilities. They can advise on benefits or funding for things, but they can also refer you to other services. Ring your GP surgery and ask to speak to the person doing the social prescribing or what ever your surgery is calling it. You could also look at the surgery website to see if it has this listed.
Hi Zarajov. Bevvy was right. If you are working in the UK, you should get help via Occupational Health to get adaptations in the workplace. It’s your right as a disabled person for your employer to provide reasonable adjustments. It’s against the law if they refuse. As for your car, if you were in receipt of PIP and were to get the enhanced rate of mobility, you could get an adapted car. There are also places that sell on 2nd hand Motability cars that may just have the adaptation you’re looking for. Do a search on the internet for any dealers near you. You might get a bargain. I’m not sure about housing but the Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to help you. Good luck. x
Hi, Is occupational health through the doctors or council? I've been advised to contact access to help with help on work place funding?
As said in my first response it is quite difficult to advise you with such little information.Occupational health would be through your work place IF you work somewhere that has occupational health….
It is Access to Work (not help) that may support you at work. Can offer multitude of things from equipment to personal assistant.
If you look on the CAB website, there’s a section on ‘Dealing with Problems At Work’. It’s very informative. You could also phone them. A lot depends on the size of your employer. If it’s large employer you should be able to get the Human Resources (HR) Department for help. If it’s a smaller employer you may just need to ask for an appointment to speak to them in private. You could ask in person or send an email. You could also have someone (a friend, colleague or union rep) who knows how you’re feeling to go to the meeting with you for moral support or, even better, to take notes of what’s said. Don’t let yourself be bullied as you have rights for reasonable adjustments in the workplace. If you need any special equipment to do your job, you can ask Access to Work for help. You used to be able to contact a Disability Employment Adviser at the Jobcentre (but I’m not sure if this is still the case) and they could help with the cost of any special equipment you might need. You may need to search Access To Work to find out the latest rules as I don’t want to give outdated information. I know it’s hard but you really need to sort it out before things get any worse for you. Good luck xx
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