hi there, and good evening, special thanks to this community and people who gave me advice's, actually it is 15th day of my new work and sciatic pain is getting worse, and looks tips and advice's do not working, same for doctors, there is only one question that i need an answer for that: if pain cause us lose our jobs one after another and prevent our brain to become creativity in daily activity and finally make us disable to sit or work more than 30 min, then how can we live without money ? iam a loser or this situation is temporary ? tbh my work is programming and pain make my performance drop to something like 10% or even less
is living with chronic pain a solution or it ... - Pain Concern
is living with chronic pain a solution or it is waste of time ?

Hi Kasra,
Sorry you are struggling with your chronic pain, everyone’s journey with pain is different. I had sciatica myself in the past but after a 4 months or so it disappeared, so don’t give up hope, it might be a temporary situation for you.
Even though I no longer live with sciatica, I still struggle with other chronic pain and sadly had to give my job after working 20 years. But we are more than what we do....
It took me a while to adjust to my new life but my quality of life has improved since I gave up work as I can pace myself and live life in the slow lane and focus on my social life.
Just keep on going back to the doctor, have you tried medication, injections or physio therapy?
Otherwise a occupational therapist might be helpful to help you make adjustments at work (standing desk, comfortable chair, scheduled rests, etc)
I have found the pain clinic helpful myself and they have helped me to understand my pain and accept things as they are and have peace with it.
I hope you find some that helps you.
There is hope!!

oh yes, thanks for the reply, i tryed medication, injections and physio therapy, also i tried a standing desk but it made things worse, same for comfortable chair, the onlything help me while iam sitting is use my muscles to keep my back curved, thanks again
Well....you have described me in your message, got all the qualifications and experience you can ask for. Had to quit my job because my functions were affected by extreme pain and fatigue.
It is not easy and in terms of financial hardship try ESA and pip. When you complete the forms (for which you need to have a PHD🙊😉) you need to be specific when responding to questions. This in combination with medical records should assist you in getting some help.
As one of the members said today we just need to learn to live with the pain or in another words treat it as a friend. Easier than said than done!
But I said enough is enough and left everything behind to the point of living with hunger. I simply cannot do anything. After typing this message I need a day rest, it is as bad as that😥 you are not alone.... do as much as you can and if you cannot then change the lifestyle but it is hard for someone as young as you. I am close to being a senior citizen, I planned to give so much to society but meant not to be☑️😭
Please carry on talking to us and we all can chip in for help/advice.
Enjoy your festive season x🎄💐🎄
Hi there, thanks for the reply and iam sorry that you are in pain too, hope you to be better, yep we have each other 🙃
By the way you can apply for PIP even if you work. It is a non-means tested benefit. If you do decide to apply gather all the information before hand as the form is lengthy and you need to fit your answers to their tick box computer rules in order to qualify. The Citizens Advice website has information - citizensadvice.org.uk/benef...
It is hard adapting to living with pain. We have a local Spine and Back clinic which run groups for people learning to live with pain run by physiotherapist and psychologist.
Listen..chronic pain SUCKS..no doubt about that..its a fact. I lost,friends,family,fulltime job,and my business because of chronic pain n my other med conditions, so I get it oh to clearly.You r not a loser and neither is any of the rest of us that have to deal with this freakin pain 24/7 or even a minute of each day.
Its all about finding "U" and ur sell worth..that u still have under the chronic pain.
You can either let it eat u alive or u can eat it and find what makes u happy while dealing with the chronic pain.
If sitting by the waterside staring off to space is what brings u a minutes peace than there u go.
If its being in bed with ur pet by your side, or talking with another HU member and laughing about yourself that does it..then there u go..its a start.Run with it....
As far as $$$.... get with ur local govt agencies where u live and see if u can get some support financially from them, either temporary or permanent.
Local support groups,local churches and etc can also help.
Biggest suggestion.. be your own financial advocate and health advocate.
I learned the hard way..not to leave that up to others because u wont get the best help or care.
Read as much info in books,online(with caution) to help yourself.
Alternative treatments are also a great option.
AND..biggest one... don't isolate yourself totally.FRom experience ..it makes it all worse.
Here on HU there r lots of people u can get info from and make friends who r like u.
Wish u the best.
You need to see a chiropractor. They may be able to do something about the sciatic pain.
i do, but they are not sure what is causing the pain, they just milking my insurance
What they saying is that the problem is not in the back. You may be one of those people where the sciatic nerve travels just inside of the hip muscle. Not medically qualified to give full details. I have seen diagrams of muscle fibre tightening and pressing on nerve in hip joint.
I know about this because I have had treatment for it from a McTimony chiropractor.
It’s a lonely battle but if you love life you must keep trying.
Do you rent? Could you move to a women’s shelter?
Can you apply for disability? I hope you can persevere and see a way through.
U can contact social security and sciatica is a Debilitating disease and u can use other agencies until u get it have ur gp papers so u can show proof n just file good luck n I hope u find peace the sciatica is a bitch I know I live it everyday
Hello. Im sorry for your pain.
I have constant pain of peripheral neuropathy.
In my daily pusuit to find answers, to find the least side effects of all the solutions given us, i have decided to try LDN, Low Dose Naltrexone. In fact, i found it right on this site.
If you search LDN, it will explain it all, including videos.
Dr. David Shiller has a good video on there.
Youtube has many vids too.
There are no side effects except headache for about three days as well as vivid dreams for three days. This happens every time you up the dose too. That's it ! No terrible side effects . It can take a few weeks to many months to be virtually or all pain free. Some report noticeable improvement in days !
I feel.there is great hope in LDN ! Its success has proven to be phenomenal.
Have a great day !