Hi all, I am new to this site. I’m a 42 yr old male, ex service, shot twice with high velocity rounds over 10yrs ago in right hip and lower leg. Care throughout both Mil and Civ has been quite poor tbh. L5 vert damaged with compression to sciatic nerve. Ankle joint smashed and Achilles’ tendon suffered a hole through it. Resulting in numbness, weakness and pain in shin, ankle and foot. The bones and tissue were still infected three years post injury requiring numerous surgical interventions. Body and mind feels totally worn out.Currently prescribed Oxy, Longtec 80mg PD and up to 40mg shortec PD as needed. Previously maxing out on these + paracetamol and ibuprofen but have now reduced myself. Consequently, in a lot of pain. Recently developed pain in neck and shoulder which doesn’t budge. MRI shows bone Spurs on the C-spine. As I’m sure most people on here can appreciate these are all issues that are not conducive with a happy life and bringing up young children.
Anyways, I was looking for some advice please. 1) I have been offered a second spinal nerve stimulator. The first was removed as it did not really reach any therapeutic levels and got infected. I’m wary of another for the added pain and potential of it not working. Any thoughts on if one would think it worth having etc please?
I don’t want to take meds as I have bad paranoia about taking them. I don’t really want a foreign object poking out from under my skin but, I don’t want to be in this pain forever either. (And before anyone says it..I know right, don’t get shot then!!)
2) Also, has anyone come across a bit of kit called a spinal back rack, if so would you recommend. It’s a wooden back rack, pricey at around £300 so wouldn’t want to get and it be just another expensive ornament. Many thanks in advance for taking the time to read.
Kind regards to all.