Hi All, trust you are keeping as well as can be expected. Is there an alternative to Pregabalin as a way of managing pain? I’ve just come off tramadol after a 2 year addiction, which was pretty rubbish! I’m slightly deaf so have tinnitus but there’s also a ‘rumbling’ sound which only happens when I take pregab!! Am I insane? Take care everyone
Pain relief body and mind?!?: Hi All, trust you... - Pain Concern
Pain relief body and mind?!?

Yes, there are alternatives; gabapentin, duloxetine and amitriptyline are the usual ones. Each one is slightly different and each person is slightly different, so it is worth discussing this with your Dr.
My son found that amitriptyline was best for him, and yet a close friend of ours found that duloxetine gave her her life back. For my son duloxetine took his life away! But amitriptyline gave it back again.
Amitriptyline is not recommended for older people.
Where are you getting this information? NICE says use a low dose (which is what is used for neuropathic pain) and use with caution, it doesn't say it isn't recommended.
I was going to ignore this but your suggestion of misinformation riled me. Amitriptyline was one of the first tricyclic anti-depressants and was only relatively recently added to the list of neuropathic pain killers. before retirement (1999) I spent 30 years of my professional life working with people in psychiatric hospitals using this rather nasty drug, and monitoring the side effects. From the outset, Amitriptyline was also a successful drug to use for successful suicide - one of the reasons for caution.😡
Tramadol makes me itch an can’t sleep.
When the pregab wears off, pain is ridiculous...feels like I’m resting on back with half a house brick under my neck and a ‘dockers boot’ on my throat!
Gabapentin and CBD oil work well for me, but I realise and respect my limitations which all helps to limit my pain. All nerve pain drugs have there side effects unfortunately and I’ve pretty much tried the lot of them and settled for my current regime with my meds and limitations. I hope you find something suitable to your needs, good luck.
My doctor has put me on duloxetune I've tried everything goin and guess what none work .maybe one day something new might work .hope you find something what helps
I have pain from osteoarthritis in my kneck. I take Codeine 30mg 4 times a day and I've just added Naproxen 500mg once a day with good results. If inflammation is a partial cause of your pain you might try Naproxen as an alternative to the usual painkillers.
Hi, I have tinnitus and it’s driving me insane, I’ve been given tramadol slow release with an anti sickness pill as it makes me feel really sick but must admit it takes the edge off the pain I also use tens machines and creams for my osteo, have you ever been referred to the pain clinic my advisor is really good and although I’ve tried everything going nothing works so frustrating but they do have more insight into pain than we doTake care 😊