For past 2 days ive been having worse pain ive ever had in my chest, I went to A and E yesterday and did ECG and was normal and sent home still with crushing chest pains.
It starts top of my throat right down centre chest, It feels like my insides are being squeezed and played with, It also feels like something like a golf ball is trying to make it way through my food pipe and in my chest and throat if that makes sense, If I swallow even my flem it triggers off these "Spazums" in chest, Even thou the pain is almost there 24/7
I eat a Banana earlier and I could feel it going down my throat and it was agony,
Im also getting chest pains, I have taken some Lansoprazole but with no effect as I thought it could have something to do with that
Also having backpains where the pain is coming from in the front,
If I did not no better I would think Im having some kind of heart attack, and Im tough when it comes to pain normally
Also might have nothing to do with this, but past week ive had over 7 mouth ulcers all over my tongue and lips
Has anyone has anything like this before or have any idea what it might be, Im going doctors Wednesday but thought Id ask on here if theres anything I can do to help the pain in the mean while .