Chronic pain I'm new: I've just discovered I... - Pain Concern

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Chronic pain I'm new

Nita1980 profile image
24 Replies

I've just discovered I have a prolapsed disc which is compressing nerves giving bladder and bowel problems plus weakness in leg. I'm scared, in fed up.. I wanna give up

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Nita1980 profile image
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24 Replies
weathervane profile image

If this is getting worse go to your gp . I had similar problems several years ago and had surgery, felt the relief as soon as i woke up . Bladder and bowel Problems are a worry , best wishes 🌸

DancerintheStorm profile image

This too shall pass. It may take time. It will pass. Talk your options over and be proactive. Best wishes.

Ant197346 profile image

It's difficult but only thing I can say is never give up.....there is help out there.....I've just discovered that I have Spinal Cord Injury in the neck which is causing me agonising pain down my left side....the specialist did say it's something to do with the C7 and C8 region of the main nerve and on top of everything else I have to cope with I now have found out that I have Epilepsy at 46.....I feel like giving up all the time but it's not worth it

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Ant197346

Hi ant I'm sorry you are suffering so much. I will never give up but in the tiny hours of the night when I'm in so much pain and nothing I can do will help its hard to keep a positive spin on things lol

Ant197346 profile image
Ant197346 in reply to Nita1980

I've basically tried everything, GABAPENTIN, Amitriptyline to help to switch off on a night which hasn't worked because I'm still lying awake till 3 or 4 in the morning I know my pain level threshold and when I'm finally asleep I'm only getting two or three hours before it starts again, had an MRI,EEG,ECG the works to find out what is going on but that didn't help as my right foot was actually throbbing whilst inside the MRI scanner, I've had two injections which takes it away for a short while, tried acupuncture, I'm under pain management constantly with my hospital, all that is with OA, I was diagnosed a year ago with a Hiatus Hernia so I've got to watch what I eat now, then there's GARD, it's literally awful I worry about my health more then I do anything else because I was literally at the end of my tether but I found out it's better to talk with someone else about health worries so I joined a support group it takes a lot of mind to find out that others have the same conditions and how they cope with it.....I know exactly how you feel being in pain all the time and it doesn't help at all because you think no one cares or no one wants to listen to other people's problems and I do keep a pain diary I find that helps also

Emma2017 profile image

Hi Nita, I had a similar problem 4 years ago. It slowly got worse and I was given a nerve block injection. This did not help, neither did physio. So was refererred to a neuro surgeon who ordered another MRI showing a badly herniated disc compressing the nerve. It was slow onset CE and I was operated within a week. My bladder issues were resolved immediately. Was left with a weak leg and have had a few more ops. But I was very pleased with the fist one as CE is not very pleasant. Go see your GP and ask for a referral. Good luck.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Emma2017

Thanks for replying Emma. Pthe gp has put in an urgent referral for me to see a neurologist but in these strange times who knows how long I will wait 🙄 I have a telephone appointment with a musculo skeletal specialist this coming Monday but I don't know what that will involve or how a telephone call will help I've tried to stay positive and carry on but physically things are getting hard and shopping is now a night awaiting in line when standing hurts massively. I just hope I will be seen soon

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Nita1980

Hi Nita, you want to ask your GP to refer you to a neurosurgeon as a neurologist is not the answer for you in my opinion and would just delay things to much. You have a prolapsed disc you say which is a case for a surgeon not a neurologist who are brilliant in their own field but is not the right specialist for you in my opinion.

I get my shopping delivered as going to the shop trying to go round is a nightmare. Just had facet joint injections and a nerve block yesterday so have to self isolate right now anyway.

Take care.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Emma2017

Maybe he said neurosurgeon on the call I was just excited the pain wasn't in my head as I have been told for years as I also suffer with depression and anxiety. I haven't been told to isolate myself and to get a delivery slot around here u must be vulnerable or isolating. Thank u for ur reply I find this illness lonely.. Before finding this place yesterday I felt alone in my pain.. I've found out I am not 🙂

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Nita1980

No you are not alone, there are many of us. Not sure where you are from. Up here there are slots if you book ahead a bit. Just booked another Tesco slot for 2 weeks ahead, you can always change what’s in your trolly a day before.

I would double check he said surgeon though to be on the safe side to stop you loosing valuable time.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Emma2017

Ok I will call them Monday. Any idea what a musculo skeletal specialist is for?

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Nita1980

Yes they are very good. I started of with one and thanks to him I was pushed in for a very urgent MRI which started the ball rolling really.

I had suffered from a painful back and went to see him, he gave some useful exercises, but it did not help, he gave me a general lower back injection which really helped but then unfortunately the pain got worse until one day I could not get of the floor where I laid for some relief so then the emergency MRI and the rest what followed after that. In general they are very good in sorting out problems to do with any muscle group that is causing problems connected to your skeletal part. Like knees or shoulders or elbows or necks or backs. They are not properly recognised in the UK as they are everywhere else but it won’t be long. All of them are properly medically trained doctors who specialise in this field.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Emma2017

Ok thanks for all your help Emma

Cindy121 profile image

No, not all things will pass. Cauda equina syndrome and other nerve compression can lead to Guillain-Barre. Please continue to have it investigated promptly. I get it; being fed up and wanting to give up. Back and nerve issues can be so complicated, but you should insist on a definitive diagnosis.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Cindy121

Now I've finally got them to listen to me and hear my pain I will definitely continue to push for answers

Panda05 profile image

If you have numbness in the saddle region and are having bowel and bladder issues go directly to A&E and do not leave until you are given an mri for cauda equina syndrome. It’s rare but the faster they find it the better chance of a good outcome. Me I was not so lucky and am now an L1 paraplegic and just underwent a above knee amputation. So don’t play around get seen fast. Cauda equina does not just pass.. it will rob you of your life especially if you like walking or standing!!

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Panda05

What do you mean? I've had numbness and pain in the top of my bum cheeks does that count? I have a lot of pain in my pubic bone too

Panda05 profile image
Panda05 in reply to Nita1980

Your saddle area is the place that would normally be in touch with a saddle eg. your inner thighs , your buttocks and your pubic region. If you get numbness in this region and have bladder and bowel retention they are huge red flags for cauda equina

Amkoffee profile image

Have you been to a pain management specialist? if not you need to make an appointment with one now.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Amkoffee

I've just heard back from the musculo skeletal specialist and I feel disheartened.. Basically I'm being offered physiotherapy.. I have to wait to be seen for a physical but yea.. Its gonna be physio. All this pain leg weakness not being able to hold my bladder and constipation so bad to the point I will myself to die.. All the sleepless nites and the doing over 10000 steps because all I can do is waddle walk throu my pain... All of it and all they will do is offer physio even after seeing a prolapsed disc wit slight s1 compression.. All that doesn't matter because a few exercises will make it all better!! I feel right back to square one again with no light at the end of the tunnel.. They didn't listen! They don't care! Once again I'm alone in all of this.

Yahaci profile image
Yahaci in reply to Nita1980

Don't take it personally, its the job of the NHS to dishearten people, so we go away and leave them alone.

Physios do very little other than give you a piece of paper with exercises and send you on your way.

It's bit of a merry go round, so nothing is ever resolved.

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to Yahaci

I have come to realise this!! I had a physio appointment which turned out to be a 5 minute assessment then I was sent away with a promise of a phone call today with an action plan but I have received no call. This all has definitely mad me feel low.. I feel like I'm back at square one.. I can't do this anymore I really can't

Hi Nita. Which discs are prolapse

Nita1980 profile image
Nita1980 in reply to

My L5/S1 with nerve compression

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