I have fibromyalgia- diagnosed last year. I also have depression and anxiety. The fibro pain has been getting worse daily for at least a year now. I’ve been taking 30mg/500mg cocodomol which didn’t help so have weaned off of that on dr’s advice, tried naproxen..helped for around a week and then pain back as bad as ever. I’ve now been given Nefopam and also have been advised to try a tens machine. Just going by today, the tens machine at quite a high level helped at the time it was on my body...I’ve had 2 of the 3 a day prescribed of Nefopam 30mg tablets and so far am not feeling any pain relief whatsoever. If you have experience of taking this or can share your experience with me, I’d be really grateful. Is it supposed to be an instant pain relief or is it cumulative? Also the dr said it was just the first he was going to try me on, and if it didn’t help he would basically do trial and error with me. He also advised that I come off my perindropil for 7 days in the unlikely event that this drug could maybe be causing the pain, but he doesn’t believe it has. I, just like everyone here, just want some decent pain relief so I can just feel normal again... any help would be very much appreciated, thanks