Hi I’ve just been given nefopam by my GP for my back I had taken one 30mg yesterday made me groggy and a bit spaced but got rid of the pain (better than other previously given). Took another before bed time and it made me agitated, restless, couldn’t sleep I literally felt wired is this common? Haven’t taken any others since because of the effects
nefopam side effects : Hi I’ve just been given... - Pain Concern
nefopam side effects

I was given nefopam a couple of months ago for my back. I didn't sleep. It didn't do much for the pain either so not sure if it was pain or tablets causing it. Doc put me on pregabalin and a butec 10 micro patch, they work and I sleep now. Good luck.
Hi, I’m on Gabapentin for my particular pain, it makes me feel spaced out and everything you have said. Pain meds do make you feel strange, your body has to get used to them. Give it a bit longer or ask your GP for a different med. I have to say, Gabapentin hasn’t made me feel agitated but has made me feel groggy and dizzy. Good luck. Isobel xx
I wish they had more effect on me, I take 2, 3 x times a day along with several other pain killers including Dihyhdrocoden 120mg twice a day and I still feel the pain, most days I cannot even manage to get dressed but back to the meds if they are affecting you that much start off with ½ a tablet for a few days and as you get use to it slowly build up until you are up to what the doctor prescribed with most pain medications your body has to get use to it and rember they are pain reducers not pain stoppers all they do is get the pain down to a level that you can manage to live with, the pain never stops completely. Good luck finding something that works for you. Regards Poppy Ann
I was prescribed Nefopam for additional pain relief. Already on Diclofenac, Dihydrocodeine & paracetomol, but GP was wanting to reduce NSAIDs, the only drug that work best for me, buut they halved the dosage & I was in so much pain. That's when they gave me Nefopam to top things up. I went online & read the side effects first which really put me off, but one day the pain was so bad I tried half a tab at bedtime (ie 15 mg). Had a lousy sleep. & like you Shelsby, I felt very wired & kept waking up really early, felt restless Not like that usually. . So I'm not going to take them, because when you're in constant pain, the only real releif is when you get a proper good night's sleep. People in pain need sleep.
gabapentin is the Best for me works great once they have you on the right dose that is mine is a high dose due to my chronic pain and nerve damage pains I suffer from so 400 mg 3 times a day nefopam made my heart race and all sorts of bad things gabapentin been the best medicine for me by far takes a while to build up in the system so not instant relief but so with it for the end result
I was given Nefopam for severe back pain.I was previously taking Morphine but th doctor said I cannot have it any more. I tried the nefopan but it did nothing for the pain only made me nausious and dizzy. I tried nefopam with paracetamol and it worked! I had 2 30/500 paracetamol with the nefopam. BUT it only worked for 2 days and then stopped working, and just gave side effects.I have stipped taking it now , having to take strong paracetamol and codeine 8 a day. I have now called it NAFopam
I take 3 nefopam and 2 paracetamol for lower back and hip pain can't say I've noticed any side effects? But others I know can't even take one without feeling nauseous and lightheaded?! Personally I don't think they work as I have to use lidocaine patches as well, if I run out of patches the nefopam & paracetamol aren't working! Can't take antiinflammatory because of stomach issues!
So at a bit of a standstill!