Last sun 9th feb I fell backwards & really hurt my bum/lower back. It’s still killing me, I have been advised ibuprofen, rest & heat... any other suggestions please ? & how long before I feel better ? It’s half term next week & I have kids !
Sore lower back/bum after fall backwards - Pain Concern
Sore lower back/bum after fall backwards
I'm sorry you've had a nasty fall. Could it be your coccyx? Take care. Lynne
On the mon I went to a walk in who don’t do back xrays, couldn’t get in at gp, rang 111, was advised larger hosp a&e... I’m already on paracetamol, ibuprofen, oxycodone & carbamezapine for chronic life pain & TN... so they gave me 1 shot of oromorph which didn’t touch it... & advised heat & rest, but keep mobile. I just hadn’t quite appreciated how painful it would be , even on day 6 !
Sounds like you have injured your coccyx, I did it years ago its so u comfortable tyring to sit and so painful.It took mine about 6 months to heal.
I agree with Lynn it could be your coccyx. My coccyx came out of place doing the same thing went to the gp he ignored me this went on for 2 years couldn't sit on my bum ended up in A&E had s CT scan to find I also had prolapse disc's they operated to put my coccyx back in position but couldn't do anything about my discs
I didn't mean to scare you but if your no better in a few day keep going back to your GP and get him to refer you. The operation for the coccyx is very simple and can be done in day surgery within 2 hours of being out of surgery I was on my way home
I have coccydemia (for no particular reason it seems) and GP suggested capciacin cream (chilli!) which graducally makes the nerves less sensitive. It is not available in the UK due to a supply problem but I got some from Amazon (get as strong as you can). Maybe try something like that. It may just be bruising and nothing long term serious - with any luck
I have just done a quick look & the ones on Amazon are mixed with other things. Which brand do you have ? Xx
It is no longer available unfortunately. Mine are mixed with other things, hemp and comfrey so don't worry about that, just look at the % chilli. Good luck, I hope it helps
Thx x