The day before yesterday at 2.30 in the morning I woke up with a sharp stabbing like pain on the left side of my chest beside my breast I'm 27 years old the pain gets worse if I lay on my back or move my arms upwards or take a deep breath even going to the toilet it hurts me me more which is the strangest thing. Just after some advice if someone knows what this could be??
Chest pain : The day before yesterday at 2.3... - Pain Concern
Chest pain

I really feel for you. It could be codtochondritis, I also have this xxxx

I do have asthma so that would make sense if it is. The thing is I'm a worry wart and think the worst like heart attack for example but then I think well it can't be that cause I would be on my back by now where its been going on a couple of days. Sorry to hear you get it its awful.
Could you go to a and e . I do have many conditions which are hard to cope with but I do try to keep smiling 😊

I could but I'd be down there for a few hours waiting to be seen and it can't be anything serious enough to have to do that cause I wouldn't be standing more then likely

Surely if it was a heart attack or something serious as well something more would have happened by now rather then just the pain you would have thought I don't know
Yes, probably but I still think you should go to your GP xx
The ED (emergency department) is for emergencies, so that is not the right place to go. What about ringing NHS 111? Or ring your GP surgery and ask them for advice. I agree, it sounds less like heart and more like something else.
I have chest pain and tightness on left side for 8 years.i had E.C.G done also Xray and CT scan .every things ok but never the pain goes away. I am fed up.what should I do?
Sorry to hear you have chest pain too. It’s awful. What is it if everything else is fine ?
I am getting these strange pains - sometimes it feels like a point in front of chest, yesterday it felt like cold pain in my back, sometimes it stays underarm. I told my doctors but they had given me anti inflammatory. 😩
Esophageal spasms mimic heart attack symptoms n can affect neck,shoulder n ur back.
Google "mayo clinic /esophogeal spasms