my ear started feeling weird in may and I haven't gone away, it caused me to have a fall outside of college because I felt dizzy and my dad doesn't know.
ear fullness and dizziness: my ear started... - Pain Concern
ear fullness and dizziness

Sorry you are having problems
I've had about 8 infections this 2-3 months. There's also blood coming out of my ears. I'm seeing ent on the 11th. My balance is all over the place as I do have many other conditions. Hope you feel better soon Lynne
My mother in law had exactly that and it ended up to be something to do with her heart.
Please go back to your GP and ask to be referred to a cardiologist
May I ask how old you are?
im 20 years old
That's fine. Is there any reason why you couldn't visit your Doctor? It could be have a build up of wax in your ear and would only need ear drops. Or maybe syringing too which is very easy
Could your friend go with you to see your Doctor? You should get it checked properly
no because she is not allowed. i nearly fell in to the road and seen an ambulance right behind me but if they would of stopped and asked me if i was ok but then i would tell them i lost my balance,
they dident stop becouse it was a patient transport, but it did seem to be empty
it caused me to lose my balance and i fell and staff helped me up. my frieand was saying that she was worried about me.
hi I regularly have problems with my ears the doc gave me otomize and that really helped are your ears feeling like they are burning inside.
Hi there is it both of your ears or one? I have exactly the same thing, I fell over on Tuesday because it felt like the ground was tipping up! I suffer from vertigo and i also have menieres disease - i take a tablet called Serc it's a betahistine, that really helps. Ive had this virus that's going around which has really affected my right ear 😪. I would get your GP to refer you into ENT so they can assess you.
If your problems are with just one ear you need to see an ENT and you will probably need a contrast MRI; you may have an Acoustic Neuroma (AN). The first signs of an AN are balance and hearing issues.
Although your ear is bothering you I have read a low-salt diet may help you avoid or experience less dizziness (in the mean time). I read this in a flier from Mayo Clinic’s Division of Audiology, Balance Disorders Clinic, Department of Otolaryngology.
I had this problem a few years ago couldnt even get home so was hanging onto a fence and had to be helped to walk home. Turned out to be a middle ear infection caused by a virus, never had anything like it before. It did eventually wear off. Chase your GP up. As above it could be either labrynthitis, what I just described, or even a build up of wax in one or both ears. Unpleasant but not serious. Good luck.