L5/ S1 disc protrusion,
Hello my names Aaliyah and I’m 17 years old.
I’ve always done Martial Arts from a young age and I’ve never suffered with any back pain up until now.
3/half months ago I was at my usual training session and I was doing some kicking, I must have moved suddenly/awkwardly and landed on my bottom !
Ever since that evening I’ve been in deep agony
3 days prior the incident I went to my local A+E
Had a MRI and i was told it was just a pinched nerve and was sent away with paracetamol and ibuprofen. I was truly in shock because of how much pain I was in , I didn’t understand how those were going to make me feel relieved...
I been back to A+E again and they sent me home again with all the same responses “it’ll get better”. So I trusted them and went home and tried to bare the pain.
The third time I went back and I just couldn’t take it no more and I think they understood and realised that it had been 3 months gone now and still not healing. The doctor admitted me and said there aim is to manage my pain , I was happy but sad because I did t want to stay but I knew it would be for the best.
I was in hospital for 8 days. On the 8th day I have the nerve root block and the epidural
I felt relief afterwards for about 2 days I was so happy , but then as everyday went by the pain slowly crept and crept and now I’m back at square 1
I also forgot to mention that I went to a private consultation and he diagnosed me with ( l5 S1 slipped disc , bulge)
I was very happy seeing the private consultant because he gave me answers the the hospital didn’t.
Anyway it’s been 16 days since I’ve had the injection now and I’m still in a lot of pain and considering the amount of medication I’m on you’d think I’d be a little relieved but no
(Gabapentin , tramadol , paracetamol, ibuprofen, senna, lansoprazole )
There all my medications.
I have an appointment on the 28th of this month to go and see the surgeon
And discuss how I’m feeling and how the procedure went
20th physio
I’ve tried physio for 6 weeks before and also chiropractic therapy.
None of that worked , I just want to be pain free i’m so young , I just hope they can help me.
They ask me what’s more painful the back pain or the pain down the leg
And I was say 75% the leg pain and the rest the back pain.