Well after 3 microdiscectomies I now had a fusion done of the L5/S1 disc last week. At the same time a laminectomy of a disc a bit higher up. It was soooo much harder than I had expected. I was in surgery for a while and then 2 and a half hours in the recovery room before being wheeled back to the ward. I basically cannot remember anything of that day, like a massive black hole really. The day after they tell you to get out of bed and when I did not look happy about it they basically told me to suck it up as “it’s good”. They clearly had never had it done to them ! Anyway could not stand up so was allowed back in bed. Day after that they thought a shower was a brilliant idea 🙄. Definitely did not fall for that one and no persuasion changed my mind. No just give me a bowl for now. Anyway things very slowly got a bit better. Day before leaving I had to walk up some stairs, managed it although it took forever. After that I was declared fit to go home 🏠. Been home 4 days now and by golly the pain is still as bad as ever in my back. Question is how long did it take you before the pain became a bit more bearable?
L5/S1 fusion last week. How long does this i... - Pain Concern
L5/S1 fusion last week. How long does this initial really bad pain last?

Hi Emma, proud you got through it ok , but a typical Yorkshire lass stick's to her guns and won't be told what to do 👍and does it at her pace 😁💐 x
Sounds very similar to my L4-L5 opperation.
Discectomy + Laminetcomy.
I was three days in bed only the threat of a catheter got me up.
I struggled to the toilet with the aid of a ward cleaner. I thought she was a nurse.
i was left in the toilets untill i managed to shout for a nurse.
I left hospital on the medication they gave me plus some tabs off an old guy in the next bed.
He'd been there before and brought in some "suppliments'...😀
Years later when I saw my hospital notes it stated that i said i was pain free!!
Take plenty of medication now and rest.
Your body and mind has been through a traumatic experience.
Keep warm and try to get comfortable.
I'm sure as the days n weeks go by you will be getting more mobile.
Thats the trick for me.. keep moving.
I had similar about 4yrs ago,in respect of just post op pain that lasted about 6weeks,obvs diminishing.
However long term, I'm now 8 yrs post op,I still have a similar level of pain as pre op(not always the case,varies from person to person )
Hence mine was considered failed back surgery, so hopefully your recovery goes well.!
Have since been fitted with a spinal cord stimulator initially had good pain relief from that,however now due a refit in respect of this.
So take everything easy, nice and slow and follow what your doc says in respect of any exercise or limits on movements.
That way you give yourself the best chance of a good outcome.
Good luck.
Hi Emma,
Has L5/S1 spinal fusion 10 years ago.
Be kind to yourself during the first few weeks. I pottered about indoors during the morning, sat down for a few mins every hour, which was uncomfortable to begin with but went to bed for the afternoon. You need to find something you enjoy to pass the time because to begin with you can’t do much! Things do slowly get better,walking further everyday,and doing a bit more. Driving was difficult at first,I imagined what would happen if I had to be in control of an emergency stop...so when I thought I was ready I sat in a stationary car and slammed my foot down....when it didn’t hurt anymore that’s when I started driving again. Basically listen to your body ....and allow yourself rest when you need to! Was it worth having done? Definitely! Good luck!
Omg 😳 I must say I’m due to see consultant after not wanting to go down the fusion or cage route 2years ago and I’m bricking it .. I’m either on 2crutches , in a wheelchair or on my mobility scooter .. I know it won’t rewind damage but just to get some respite would be great ,, I hope you feel better soon I had microdiscectomy in 2011 and they kicked me out same day it was awful 😢 .. then I got infected and I had leakage at Christmas dinner!! Just awful 😞
Definitely was the right decision for me plus I had little choice. I still aren’t free of pain or the meds. I am reducing the pregabalin slowly and the dihydrocodeine too. Am supplementing with cbd oil at nights which does help a bit. Other than that have lost weight and look and feel much better for that. Am doing Alexander technique which has really helped me to walk and move better again and now are slowly walking longer distances plus ditched the crutch. It has been a long haul but was worth it, still some way to go. Hope you will be ok, they might try another microdiscectomy before going the fusion road. Fusion is a much more involved op, had to stay in just short of a week afterwards and felt like I had been hit by a truck. But still it’s amazing how your body gets on with it. For me physio was a nightmare every time so ditched it and opted for the AT plus walking. Once I feel stronger then it’s better to follow physio in my opinion as they always tell you, yes you can go further etc which was clearly not the case for me as it ended in 4 ops. Anyway take care.
You never told me that you ditched the crunch , good on you so no excuse now for meeting up for COFFEE ☕ DAY