Antibiotics - cure or poison?: I've finally... - Pain Concern

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Antibiotics - cure or poison?

7 Replies

I've finally, belatedly been diagnosed with Chronic Prostatitis - my treatment at the hands of the medical profession has been a total disgrace - fobbed off with a variety of rubbish.

Anyway, be that as it may, I found a Consultant who listened to me, I insisted on having an appropriate test carried out and the result is a prostate infection with a "heavy growth of enterococcus faecalis"

For that I have been prescribed a 6 week course of Amoxicillin - fair enough on the face of it because this nasty bug is sensitive to Amoxicillin, albeit there is some doubt as to whether it does penetrate the prostate gland

That's not the issue

30 years ago I was prescribed high doses of erythromycin by a stupid doctor – for a groin skin rash which was no big deal. This resulted in my anal sphincter seizing up – I had to have 2 anal fissure ops – and I got this terrible scrotal burning/irritation. It was several years before I started to recover. I now strongly suspect that this was prostatitis though no doctor was going to put their hand up to that

30 years later I took – very reluctantly – 4 days of doxycycline for an issue; the result was that I had to go for fecal impaction treatment at the local hospital. I was on movicol for several months. This apparently paved the way for my new bout of prostatitis.

So I am between a rock and a hard place. I just don't know what to do. I've got to address this horrible bug situation but the treatment I'm being offered may well be poison to my system which could make things a great deal worse. I don't want a repeat of previous experiences.

It's the case that Amoxicillin is not broad spectrum unlike the other 2 toxic antibiotics I took - this is really getting to me

Thoughts; constructive advice - most welcome

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7 Replies

Hey dude how you doing? Does cbd help , control or fix this? Have a google and see what it says.

johnsmith profile image

You are between a rock and a hard place. This is not a simple matter. I very much doubt that the erythromycin caused the problem you are claiming it caused. Groin skin rash you regard as no big deal. That is something that can be potentially problematic. Anal sphincter seizing up can be in response to a fissure.

Your best course of action is to speak to the doctor about hygiene issues and find out where you can get advice. You do not want to be in the situation where you get a repeat of what you have now. Do you have a leaky anal sphincter? 2 anal fissure ops suggest that there may be issues.

Vitamin D is needed for the immune system. Have you enough Vitamin D, You can have your blood tested for this.

This website has some information about enterococcus faecalis

Antibiotics is the only way forward. And potentially nasty ones at that. Some antibiotics can in certain circumstances cause hallucinations. You also need to speak about diet issues. What you cannot eat while on the antibiotics. And how do you get a healthy gut bacteria when the treatment is done.

in reply to johnsmith

Thanks for your reply John. The Erythromycin episode was 30 years ago - it did clear the groin rash eventually but at a terrible price. I was into the second course when I started to get severe diarrhea - my sphincter absolutely seized up, there was significant blood in the toilet pan. It was horrible - and it was very very difficulty to pass stool for a long time afterwards. This did absolutely cause the anal fissure issue - and other issues.

I have been ok for most of the proceeding 30 years, but there was something of a recurrence when I took doxycycline latterly as I said.

I fear antibiotics greatly - thanks for the very good link, I am taking vitamin D supplements and trying to soak up what sun we get.

I have just received a response from a US based yeast illness expert - of high repute - I'd emailed her the Consultant's letter and told her that the prescription was for 1500g Amoxicillin per day for 6 weeks. She responded with "Wow" - saying although this course of treatment was undoubtedly correct for the bacterial infestation I stood in great danger of being a victim of "antibiotic induced candidiasis" as regards my previous medical history which I'd previously provided for her. I'm going to ring her this evening.

Rock and a hard place indeed - nightmare

waylay profile image

Hey there,

Diarrhea is a common side effect of antibiotics, alas, but yours sounds severe! The antibiotics you mention are all different types, so it doesn't seem likely to be an allergic reaction. Have you spoken to your doc about this? You could try something like immodium, but I'd talk to doc first.

Thanks for your reply. I've got quite a programme in place now based on some seriously credible medical - mainly coming from a leading US expert in the field. I'm taking the Amoxicillin; and Flucanazole and Nystatin as a candida preventative. These issues are beyond GP level but he prescribed what I wanted in terms of the anti-fungal meds, so all well and good. Far too early to say how it will work out

With the doxy last year the issue seemed to be constipation rather than the runs - so much so that after 4 days of poxy doxy - and about a week after that I needed fecal impaction treatment at A & E. I've got the movicol on standby

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to

Be careful with Fluconazole. I use it for thrush, which I always get after a course of antibiotics (too much info, I know). It can cause liver damage, so if you're on it for more than a week or so your doctor should do a blood test to check your liver numbers. It's wise not to drink while on it.

in reply to waylay

It was the antibiotic tat was the problem - I took it for 7 days and now my balls are just burning up

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