Hi this is a short one and anyone using the meds I mentioned please come forward and advise me what I should do or share your opinion.
I am on Pregabalin 300mg twice a day for spine related problems. My doctor also had me on 30/500 mg of co-codamol 4 times a day for the last 2 years. I went sobbing to the doctor the other day as the pain was getting to much for me. She immediately took me off the Co-codamol and put me on Slow release morphine patches, 5 mg which I’ve been told is minimal and I’m still suffering so took one co-codamol the other day with the patch and it worked.
I’ve only been on the patch for a week and the patches are weekly patches.
Do I have the right to go to the doctors and ask them if they could increase the dose as I felt the benefit as in it did take the edge off or do I wait and see over the next week????