Handling Emotional Pain Part 2: This follows on... - Pain Concern

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Handling Emotional Pain Part 2

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This follows on from "Handling Emotional Pain Part 1


I saw a McTimony Chiropractor paid for by the NHS. He got the pain down which enabled me to get more sleep. My Alexander teacher enabled me to keep moving. I was on benefits and had to travel some distance to see him. I had Alexander Technique lessons which prevented me from getting worse than I was. The damage to my neck was unknown at the time. Alexander Technique good as it is cannot deal with certain things. The McTimony chiropractic dealt with certain things that Alexander Technique was unable to deal with. I put the clinical depression removal to the removal of pain and the getting of more sleep by the McTimony Chiropractor. Looking at it closely the chiropractor also modified my body state quite considerably. So there is the possibility that chiropractor manipulations moved the body emotional state from one of depression to one of non depression. The Alexander teacher also helped change my emotional state.

In 2007 there was the first international conference on fascia at Harvard Medical School. Here there was a meeting of various complementary disciplines to put their knowledge of fascia on a recognised scientific basis. Fascia is the stuff which connects everything in the body together. One of the things about fascia is that it can tighten and loosen under certain conditions. It consists of more than one layer. Layers can slide across each other. Sometimes layers can get stuck and not slide. The most interesting thing is that fascia has thousands of nerve endings which feed into the brain. Emotions are felt in the body. The fascia nerve endings are what I believe determines the emotions from what the nerve endings report concerning the state of the fascia. Fascia has contractile elements which can tighten or contract.

The nerve endings in the fascia creating pleasant and unpleasant emotions can be changed by movement. Responding to events the brain sets up the tension in the fascia. Counselling of highly charged events can set up unpleasant fascia states. The nerve endings in the fascia and their outputs can overload the brain and prevent good cognitive functioning and make you experience highly unpleasant and distressing emotions. Changing the fascia state though the right sort of movement can reduce the overload data coming from the fascia and states which were once uncomfortable and debilitating cease to exist or reduce in intensity.

When I taught T’ai Chi pre 1991 I did experiments on various ways of moving and the change in emotional state as a result. At the time I had no idea why this would occur. The information I have obtained about fascia and nerve endings feeding input into the brain gave me a reason why movement done in a certain way changed emotional states. As a result of the new information about fascia I have done lots of movement experiments.

I have studied movement in hundreds of movies over the years. I have studied how the moving image altered my emotional state. I have copied some of the movements and the way they were done to see how my emotional state was altered.

Parents with children with know of this. You tell a child off quite severely. There is tears and upset in the child. Five minutes later the children is enjoying itself as if nothing has happened. The parent who did the telling off is still upset an hour later. What has happened? The child though movement has moved out of the emotional upset body state. The Parent as an adult moves very little compared to that of a child. So their emotional upset body state is still present. The adult has not moved enough to remove emotional upset.

I watch the movements of children carefully. I have attempted imitating their movement flows. On copying their movement flow I find there is an uplifting of the spirit. I have also found that situations of massive stress no longer is a massive stress situation by using childlike movement flows. The stress is still there and I suffer the effects thereof. However, the situational stress is within a emotional level where I can cope and think albeit slowly.

I have put the information here for people to take away and explore. I know from my research that the way a child moves is very different from the way an adult moves. I believe that if adults with emotional negative movement patterns change to the free flowing movement patterns of a child then there will be much improvement in the adult’s emotional state. I believe that self harm, anorexia nervosa, depression, PTSD and certain other mental states are due to problematic movement and postural states in the fascia. I believe that research into development of ways of moving could reduce some of the issues of various mental conditions.

Note: what I believe and what is reality needs to be tested by research. Each person can investigate and test out some of the ideas presented to see if they are viable or not. There is going to be a lot of resistance to this idea by a lot of vested interests.

There is paranoia about the life long effects of child sexual abuse. What if it is the case that life long effects are driven by counselling which is generating emotional distress by digging a deeper emotional hole. Germaine Greer and Tina Turner both know what rape is at first hand and both have overcome the effects of it. I believe both adopted a movement approach that has removed the possible emotional effect. Oprah Winfrey knows about underage sexual activity with an adult at first hand. She shows that life long ill effects as claimed are not necessarily true. When I was involved with counselling people who had engaged in underage sexual activity with an adult in the 1980s to 1990s I heard nothing in the stories I was told that indicated that it had a life long long destructive effect. For the reader, I do not find adults having sex with children acceptable behaviour.

In March of this year I had a visit by two people who I expected to be trustworthy. One person engaged me in conversation the other stole over £200 worth of stuff. The emotions when I discovered this were not pleasant. I had a McTimony chiropractor appointment when still being badly affected by this. Before the chiropractor session I was in one emotional state. After the chiropractor session my state of mind was far less stressed. The McTimony chiropractor treatment had altered the state of the body and thus altered my emotional state.

Counselling makes certain groups of people a lot of money. If a person can develop a movement regime which does away with counselling there is no need for counselling. The counsellor has reduced earning potential. The psychiatrist certainly has reduced earning potential. The emotional distress which people experience if suddenly reduced by a movement regime will reduce the need for psychiatrists. There will be reduced need for high earning psychiatrists.

Research into very stressful events has tended be with psychiatrists who present the stressful event and then listen about the effect of the stressful event with their patient. The patient in talking can dig a very deep emotional hole. So the research is biased in a manner where the bias is not easily determined. I have spoken to psychiatrists where I have to look at emotional events. I have got stressed and it has taken days to recover from it. I have spoken about the same events to people who I count as trustworthy and were non psychiatrists. There was no negative effects. The difference. Talking to the psychiatrist I am sitting in a chair not moving very much. Talking to the trustworthy person I am moving freely. The conditions under which I spoke to the psychiatrist drove my emotional discomfort. This flaw in psychiatrist research is never looked at or discussed.

I have found listening to someone praying at a bible class I attended helpful. I did not engage in the praying because I was a Buddhist.

What I have presented is something for citizen science. There is a need for investigation. There is probably a need for continual investigation. My beliefs come from my life experience and I accept that my beliefs may not the same as someone else’s. Different people have different valid experiences. So they can explore the topic in different ways that have validity.

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